RapidMiner Establishes Leadership Position in Two New Industry Market Reports

RapidMiner Establishes Leadership Position in Two New Industry Market Reports

Vendor continues to establish market leadership on the cusp of major product milestones

RapidMiner, provider of a market-leading data science platform, was recently recognized as a Leader in the GigaOm Radar Report for Data Science Platforms: Pure-Play, Specialist, and Startup Vendor and ranked #1 in the first Data Engineering Market Study from Dresner Advisory Services.

The GigaOm report endorsed the RapidMiner platform for its high scalability, automated in-data processing, user interface, transparency, and its ability to empower enterprises to collaborate across departments and make data-driven decisions every step of the way. RapidMiner is the only vendor to get ‘exceptional’ rankings in all Key Criteria and all User Segments.

In Dresner’s inaugural Data Engineering Market Study, RapidMiner was rated #1 after considering development and usability, process and transformation of data, and data sources and targets. These are foundational elements for data science and machine learning.

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“Our research shows strong current usage as well as planned deployments of data engineering capabilities, largely used for enterprise data that support use cases such as dashboards and reporting, exploratory analysis, as well as data science and machine learning applications,” said Howard Dresner, Founder and Chief Research Officer at Dresner Advisory. “There is a high correlation between the use of data engineering and success with data science and machine learning.”

Looking forward, RapidMiner is set to release their next generation cloud platform in Spring of 2022. The new platform is currently in public beta, and it will feature all the capabilities of the current market-leading platform with unique innovations and more automation across the entire AI lifecycle.

automationcloud platformdata engineeringdata sciencenewsRapidMinertransparency