WISeKey Presented the ID Metaverse at the Building Better Worlds China Metaverse Event May 13, 2022 08:24 ET | Source: Wisekey International Holding SA

WISeKey Presented the ID Metaverse at the Building Better Worlds China Metaverse Event May 13, 2022 08:24 ET | Source: Wisekey International Holding SA

WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN), a leading cybersecurity, IoT and AI company, today announced that its CEO and founder Carlos Moreira presented the WISeKey Metaverse technologies at the Building Better Worlds China global conference series, designed to examine the potential of Web 3.0 in improving the lives of everyone. The mission is to bring together leaders and innovators in the global blockchain, Defi, NFT and metaverse communities, content creators, social commentators, entrepreneurs, and investment institutions to gain a deeper understanding of where this technology is taking us and to help chart a path forward.

The event, the most prestigious of its kind in China, focused on what are potential killer applications in the metaverse.

WISeKey discussed how identities Avatars will allow us to navigate the metaverse using its WISeID technology delegating our presence on the Metaverse to authenticated versions of ourselves created via machine learning that would navigate and do all sorts of transactions on our behalf.

WISeID first generation acted as a trusted identity service that enables access to the web and mobile applications with strong authentication techniques. WISeID supports online KYC onboarding, OTP and digital certificate login, and an innovative “hands-free” secure login based on QR-Codes which users can read using the WISeID suite of mobile applications without even having to type any passwords.

Additional security services include digital signature services for documents. WISeID implements standards such as OpenID Connect and OAUTH2, that can be easily integrated by customers to enhance the security of their cloud applications. WISeID can also be combined with Microsoft Active Directory, facilitating integration with corporate applications.

The WISeID second generation Digital Identities in Metaverse includes an identification module that its built into the protocol, while supplementary applications will be developed. Users will have autonomy over their identity meaning that they are in full control of their personal identification information and hence need not to rely on any central entity or third party for identity verification. With a truly NFT identity, users can create, sign and verify claims, while parties who interact with a user will be able to prove their identity. Additionally, users will be able to selectively disclose their information.

Users can establish a reputation on Metaverse through digital identities, improving the way we exchange value. Value is exchanged through digital signatures, requests for verification and transactions; these transactions then allow a user to gradually build a reputation which can be inspected and verified by other digital identities and value intermediaries. You can download your ID from WISeID.com.

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WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN) is a leading global cybersecurity company currently deploying large-scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects using Blockchain, AI, and IoT respecting the Human as the Fulcrum of the Internet. WISeKey microprocessors secure the pervasive computing shaping today’s Internet of Everything. WISeKey IoT has an installed base of over 1.6 billion microchips in virtually all IoT sectors (connected cars, smart cities, drones, agricultural sensors, anti-counterfeiting, smart lighting, servers, computers, mobile phones, crypto tokens, etc.). WISeKey is uniquely positioned to be at the leading edge of IoT as our semiconductors produce a huge amount of Big Data that, when analyzed with Artificial Intelligence (AI), can help industrial applications predict the failure of their equipment before it happens.
Our technology is Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey’s Swiss-based cryptographic Root of Trust (“RoT”) provides secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, for the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence.

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