Insurance.Agency Launches B2B International Insurance News Platform, Covers Insurance Information Institute’s Event

Insurance.Agency Launches B2B International Insurance News Platform, Covers Insurance Information Institute’s Event

Insurance.Agency, a B2B marketing and lead generation software as a service, designed to help insurance professionals lower their customer acquisitions costs and increase their lead conversation and customer retention rates, has launched an Insurance News platform curated for insurance professionals in multiple languages including English, Spanish and French at https://Insurance.Agency/News.

The platform is currently broadcasting insurance news updates aggregated from top International Insurance News gathering websites, blogs, podcasts, YouTube® channels and other highly informative sources around the globe. The Insurance.Agency/News feed is updated in real time, and additionally includes articles and resources on InsureTech and insurance marketing tips and related information vital to the increasingly technologically progressive Insurance Industry.

To kick off their news aggregation efforts, an Insurance.Agency video team will cover the Insurance Information Institute’s Joint Industry Forum 2022 event on December 1st, 2022 in New York City.

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The event hosts some of the top executives in the Insurance Industry and the itinerary is available here.

“What opportunities and challenges exist across the global insurance landscape? How can data inform and mitigate the risk of wildfires and other climate-related events in the U.S.? How can insurers overcome the loss-driving influences affecting policyholders’ premiums?

Join the industry’s most accomplished thinkers and executives in the heart of New York City to exchange vital knowledge on these issues and more.”

According to it’s website, the Joint Industry Forum is “held annually and covered by the national media, the Joint Industry Forum brings together leaders from property/casualty, personal and commercial lines, reinsurers, life insurers, trade associations, and regulatory bodies.”

Per its website, the Insurance Information Institute is “a #1 online source for insurance information. Our website, blog and social media channels offer a wealth of data-driven research studies, white papers, videos, articles, infographics and other resources solely dedicated to explaining insurance and enhancing knowledge.

Unlike other sources, our sole focus is creating and disseminating information to empower consumers. We neither lobby nor sell insurance. We provide objective, fact-based information about insurance – information that is rooted in economic and actuarial soundness.”


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