MarTech360 Interview With Jessica Walker, Chief Media Officer At MEDDICC

“Seek out a company that genuinely values marketing and media. Working for a company that doesn’t grasp the importance of these functions can be draining and you’ll always be working at a disadvantage.”

Jessica, can you tell us about your professional background and your current role at MEDDICC.

My career so far has been relatively diverse with experience in events, data, and development, but my true calling emerged in marketing, where I’ve worked in both B2B and B2C organizations, specializing in brand development and revenue generation.

Now, I’m the Chief Media Officer at MEDDICC, a start-up tech company building a media arm. My core role is to scale the media team in order to help us achieve our ambitious ARR goals, whilst supporting long-term brand initiatives to drive MEDDICC as the leading authority in its subject matter. I’m proud to be a young female in Leadership.

What does MEDDICC do, and how does it differentiate itself from other companies in the same space?

MEDDICC is all about empowering B2B organizations and individuals to unlock their full potential and level up. We’ve modernized the renowned MEDDPICC  framework and methodology, bringing it into the digital age through our purpose-built SaaS platform (MEDDICC Operating System). We offer enablement, SaaS solutions, and media to help GTM (Go-to-Market) teams truly unlock success.

What sets us apart are three key factors. First, it’s our unwavering passion to push MEDDIC to its highest potential. While many competitors teach what they know, we’re focused on expanding what’s possible within this framework. Second, it’s our commitment to quality. Whether it’s crafting an ad or delivering a keynote to 5,000 sales professionals, we maintain rigorous standards in everything we do. And last but not least, it’s our unique approach – call us the young, hip kids on the block. We strive to make our interactions personable and relatable. We’re not just another faceless corporation; we’re here to humanize the experience for our audience.

As you have recently been promoted to CMO, what are the key responsibilities and challenges that came across with transitioning from a head of marketing role to a Chief Media Officer position?

The transition to CMO has expanded my role to encompass the entire media landscape. It involves integrating media across departments, which means aligning media strategies with brand, revenue, and growth objectives. One challenge I’ve personally faced is imposter syndrome, that fear of ‘can I really do this?’, but I have an amazing team behind me who help me see this as a sign of growth. And growth can be uncomfortable!

I also think striking a balance between creativity and data-driven decisions in the ever-changing media landscape is also a challenge. However, the opportunity to innovate and influence the organization makes it a rewarding journey.

How do you determine the right time to start scaling your marketing team at a bootstrapped startup, and what are some cost-effective strategies for scaling a marketing team considering limited budget?

The decision to scale a marketing team in a bootstrapped startup hinges on a delicate balance of factors, including aligning with organizational goals and achieving a solid product-market fit. At MEDDICC, we commenced with a nimble team and as our confidence in product-market fit grew, so did our ability to make bolder moves.

The most important thing though, is gaining buy-in from your CEO. The truth is, marketing and media are long-term investments, and convincing the leadership that they are drivers of growth, not just cost centers, is paramount.

When dealing with a limited budget, you should harness the power of your network and rely on trusted freelancers in the initial stages. Creativity in budget allocation became our strength, with in-house hires coming into play once we had established a solid foundation. It’s a journey that calls for strategic timing and resourceful thinking.

What are the key factors that differentiate closed-won revenue focused marketing from traditional metric based marketing approaches?

Traditional marketing often prioritizes metrics such as click-through rates, impressions, or engagement metrics. While these are important for tracking performance, they may not always directly correlate with revenue generation.

In contrast, closed-won revenue-focused marketing places the highest emphasis on metrics directly tied to the bottom line. It’s about tracking the entire customer journey, from the initial lead through to a closed sale, and attributing revenue to specific marketing efforts.

This type of marketing values quality over quantity. Rather than chasing a high volume of leads, it seeks high-quality leads with a greater likelihood of conversion. This approach also eliminates the “blame game” that often arises at the end of the quarter when marketing could potentially achieve targets whereas sales could fall short. It’s all about striving toward a common goal – impacting the bottom line.

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How do you collaborate with other departments or teams within MEDDICC, such as sales or product development, to align marketing objectives and drive business growth?

Collaboration is essential for our success at MEDDICC. I maintain regular one-on-one sessions with department heads to understand their priorities. Additionally, we’ve introduced dedicated production managers within our team to oversee cross-department projects and ensure that the media team aligns with the business’s needs. This collaborative approach allows us to function as a unified Go-to-Market (GTM) team, which is crucial for our success.

What are the benefits of having an owned media platform for a startup compared to relying solely on external media channels?

Having an owned media platform is a significant investment, especially for startups. It requires a dedicated and strategic approach. For us at MEDDICC, it’s not just a part of our strategy; it’s a key product pillar. Our owned media platform is integral to establishing ourselves as the leading authority in our field. It not only drives higher monthly website traffic but also attracts new customers as well as aids our SEO strategy. It’s a long-term commitment that positions us as the go-to source for knowledge in our industry. If you’re not willing to make media a core part of your strategy, don’t bother, is my honest advice.

What advice would you give to other Marketing Leaders which helped you personally?

Two key pieces of advice have been instrumental for me. First, seek out a company that genuinely values marketing and media. Working for a company that doesn’t grasp the importance of these functions can be draining and you’ll always be working at a disadvantage.

Second, when in your role, consistently communicate your team’s value and impact. However, do so in a language that other departments understand. Marketing and media roles are often the least defined across the organization, so bridging that communication gap is vital. Understanding this dynamic can help you foster better alignment and appreciation within the company.

What is the biggest problem you or your team solving this year?

This year, we’ve navigated a pivotal transition to an ARR/Membership model. Our over-arching goal is to ensure absolute clarity among our audience regarding our products, the precise pain we solve, and the significant value customers can gain through our membership.

In parallel, we’re steadfastly focused on our mission to establish MEDDICC Media as the source of inspiration  for B2B professionals.

Is there anything that you’re currently reading, or any favorite books, that you’d recommend?

Honestly, I’ve read quite a few books this year but the one I keep coming back to is ‘Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity’ by Frank Slootman, Snowflake CEO. The book is full of golden nuggets that will genuinely help you scale your organization and make you question what type of leader you want to be.

Thanks, Jessica!

Jessica Walker started working at 16, and has had a varied background across B2B and B2C organizations, covering events, data, and L&D before finding her calling in marketing. She is currently CMO at MEDDICC, where she is able to pursue her passion for media and building brands. She is proud to be a young woman in leadership. When Jessica isn’t chasing her sausage dogs around the house, she loves to travel the world.

Founded in 2020, MEDDICC provides a modern approach to the well-known and ‘tried and trusted’ MEDDPICC qualification methodology. Simplifying and making the method tangible empowers GTM professionals and teams to unlock their potential and level up.

As an organization, MEDDICC has transformed the previous MEDDPICC framework for the digital era and helped companies to build elite sales teams with excellent performance results.

Functioning as a remote team, MEDDICC has worked with clients within the tech, SaaS, and cloud technology sectors and has built firm relationships since launching two years ago.

MEDDICC has over 45 years of experience within the sales and marketing industries, sold masterclass licenses to over 15,500 sales professionals, and sold over 30,000 books to those seeking advice and guidance from the best in the industry.

B2BB2B organizationsB2CMartech 360MEDDICCmedia landscapeSaaSSEO