New B2B Intelligence Platform Launched by The Bliss Group and Ringer Sciences

New B2B Intelligence Platform Launched by The Bliss Group and Ringer Sciences

The Bliss Group and Ringer Sciences have announced the launch of the Executive Signals Platform (ESP), one of the first audience intelligence platforms to analyze the behavior of executives in key media channels dedicated to business.

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“Our B2B clients are looking for insights that cut through the noise of today’s media channels”

“Our B2B clients are looking for insights that cut through the noise of today’s media channels,” said Bob Pearson, CEO of The Bliss Group. “It’s why we studied the marketing funnel, isolated the channels that truly matter and then developed a new analytics model that can provide signals, literally, on what we should offer the market.”

Example insights from the platform include:

  • 13% of CEOs engaged on the topic of succession planning in the last year.
  • Seven out of the top 10 most frequently shared media publications by healthcare executives are trade outlets.
  • 43% of manufacturing executives engaged on the subject of supply chain visibility in the last year.
  • Public company executives engaged more on ESG than their private company peers (70% versus 60%) in the last year.
  • Executive posts with personal content are up 54% from Q1 to Q2 of 2022.

“The executive signals platform delivers unique actionable intelligence on an audience of senior business leaders to inform how we build campaigns, perform outreach and react to emerging industry trends,” said Yash Gad, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Ringer Sciences.

The product is called “ESP” because it can:

  • Reveal the trends and topics that are top of mind for a brand’s key buyers.
  • Identify the publications that receive the most engagement.
  • Uncover the most relevant influencers.

“While traditional market research methods can provide a one-time snapshot of what’s on executives’ minds, ongoing intelligence on B2B audiences has been a critical gap in the marketing arsenal,” said Sally Slater, Head of Innovation at The Bliss Group. “With Executive Signals, we can provide clients with monthly insights on their target buyers before they reach brand websites, illuminating the part of the marketing funnel that was previously a black box.”

ESP also provides competitor intelligence that can be used to benchmark executive social thought leadership programs against industry peers. The platform provides a snapshot of executives’ social post volume and frequency as well as post engagement. With these insights, clients can quickly gauge which topics competitors are talking about, what’s resonating and where there may be whitespace.

B2BBob Pearsonmartech360newsRinger SciencesSally SlaterThe Bliss GroupYash Gad