Slack Enhances Automation Features, Simplifying the Creation of Advanced Workflows and Integrations with External Systems

Slack Enhances Automation Features, Simplifying the Creation of Advanced Workflows and Integrations with External Systems

Slack is advancing its work operating system with more versatile automation tools. Rivian has created 3,000 workflows this year, relying on Slack’s automation to streamline processes and boost team efficiency. Salesforce introduced fresh updates to Slack, enabling users to create automation regardless of their technical skill level.

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For instance, users can now design a Slack workflow triggered by events from third-party apps like PagerDuty, Asana, BitBucket, and others. Additionally, the updated interface offers a smoother experience for building workflows, along with over 50 new ready-to-use templates designed for common productivity scenarios. Developers can also leverage more coding languages and tools, allowing them to craft custom workflows and easily share them with their teams.

Read More: Slack Expands Automation Capabilities

Asanaautomation tools. RivianBitBucketmartech360newsPagerDutySalesforceSalesforce introduced fresh updates to SlackSlackSlack’s automation