Allant Group Launches its Audience Attribute Marketplace

Allant Group Launches its Audience Attribute Marketplace

Allant Group LLC, a data-driven audience orchestration solution provider, is pleased to announce the launch of its Audience Attribute Marketplace, a subscription-based service, giving users seamless access to 2B+ audience members and 1300+ attributes.

Built on its Audience Management Platform, Allant has partnered with over 25 audience attribute providers, including complimentary and enhanced data compilers, giving users easy access to multiple data sources, assembled in one place. Allant’s Audience Attribute Marketplace delivers unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and speed, allowing users to activate audience profiles quickly  in hours, instead of days or weeks. Definitive use cases have shown speed and performance improvements between 5X and 10X, achieved with a significant cost reduction relative to the traditionally exorbitant cost of infrastructure, hardware, and developers.

With Allant’s Audience Attribute Marketplace, marketers, and data scientists alike, no longer need to use sample files or complicated distributed computing. Data analysis is available across every attribute within a single platform, giving users the ability to model the most accurate portrayal of their ideal consumers, including tools for AI/ML. The Audience Attribute Marketplace also takes the complexity out of matching logic, allowing users to build identity graphs with ease.

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“While organizations may have access to similar data, no other standalone system offers frictionless accessibility to multiple consumer databases, including compiled, attitudinal, and event data, all in one place,” said Jay Blaker, Vice President of Data Strategy & Partnerships at Allant Group. “Allant’s subscription model gives users the ability to pay for only what they need, instead of paying for bundled data packages with only a few data elements of value.”

Allant’s Audience Attribute Marketplace disrupts traditional data hygiene and merge/purge, breaking the rules to ensure the final output is not degraded,” said Michael D. Fisher, CEO at Allant Group. “It’s built to give users the full analytic value of each attribute in each database. The best data is the data that works. And the data that works will prove itself out in performance.”

SOURCE : PRNewswire

Allant GroupAttribute MarketplaceAudience Management Platformaudience orchestration solutionMartech 360news