CUNA Operations & Member Experience Council Conference Showcases Cooperation Among Credit Unions and Industry Partners

CUNA Operations & Member Experience Council Conference Showcases Cooperation Among Credit Unions and Industry Partners

Sogolytics, leader in feedback and experience management, proudly shared the table with some of the nation’s leading member experience experts at a major CUNA Councils event last week.

In dealing with diverse issues from cybersecurity to climate change and from policies to practice, organizations are only as strong as their ideas, data, and tools. The cooperative principles of the credit union movement prioritize collaboration, which means those who join the conversation emerge stronger.

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In an era where experience is a critical differentiator, especially in competitive markets like the financial services industry, credit unions are ahead of the game. The CUNA Operations & Member Experience Council and Tech Council co-hosted this event to bring together professionals focused on solving some of the toughest issues facing credit unions today.

In a breakout session hosted by Sogolytics VP of Strategic Sales Laurie Flanders, participants were asked to identify the disruptors that kept them up at night. “It’s not hard to come up with a long list,” Flanders shared, noting that many of the challenges highlighted are common across the industry. “The real challenge is figuring out what they can take action on, given realistic time and resource limitations.”

In his speed round demo of SogoCX, Sogolytics’ industry leading customer experience software, Director of Sales Ian Crowley showcased the next step in feedback analysis: turning insight into action. “Often people get overwhelmed with the number of changes they want to make, or their teams can’t agree on which priority should come first,” said Crowley. “But when they can see in real time which key drivers are impacting their critical metrics, like satisfaction and loyalty, it’s so much easier to make decisions and track the impact.”

CUNAcustomer experiencecustomer experience softwareexperienceexperience expertsexperience managementmartech360newsSogolyticsStrategic Sales