For iSportsman ARX, Live Support is the Core of Good Customer Service

For iSportsman ARX, Live Support is the Core of Good Customer Service

iSportsman ARX is being brought to you by the company that has been recognized for its ability to respond to ever-changing customer needs in their flagship product, iSportsman GX, by not deploying automated chat bots and embracing a live help desk team in Virginia Beach, VA.

Brought to you by ASciS, iSportsman GX has been used to manage outdoor recreation and natural resource programs on more than 80 military, federal and state locations across the country for nearly 15 years. iSportsman development and support staff are already focusing that same attention on the new iSportsman ARX customers. It’s an easy transition for a company whose product benefits were noted in a study by Cornell University conducted on hunter and angler satisfaction with program management utilizing iSportsman GX at West Point Military Academy.

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Cornell University was able to identify what hunters and anglers found the most satisfying about their West Point hunting experience and, to our surprise, they were all centric to the accessibility of information on GX,” Dave Mapstone, iSportsman VP, says. “I credit our Customer Service teams’ ability to listen to our clients and transfer their objectives into a custom solution that fosters a satisfying outdoor experience.”

“ARX, like GX, offers the same real-time land occupancy view and easy and convenient check-in and checkout functionality—but unique to ARX is the service’s trophy tracking and bio indicator recording,” Mapstone says.

In addition to providing for simple check-in and out to hunt areas, blinds and stands from the convenience of a smartphone or computer, ARX allows clubs, outfitters and land managers to easily maintain records of harvests and finances, promote opportunities to other ARX users and even review charts and graphs that display hunting pressure and activity on their properties. ARX not only simplifies club operations and activities, but also to promote better safety.

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