Khoros and Cerby Announce Partnership, Lead Security Evolution for Social Media Management

Khoros and Cerby Announce Partnership, Lead Security Evolution for Social Media Management

Khoros, an award-winning leader in digital-first customer engagement software and services, and Cerby, the cybersecurity leader in protecting applications that lack support for identity and security standards, announced a new partnership. Together, the two best-in-class companies ensure safe and secure brand access directly to social media accounts for customers.

“Khoros takes great pride in providing the best-in-class solutions for social media management and in selecting best-in-class partners such as Cerby in their respective areas of expertise. Cerby brings great value as a partner to provide seamless solutions with proven protection.”

The new partnership allows brands to launch, manage, and analyze their social media profiles quickly and securely from the Khoros platform. Cerby brings advanced security features such as single sign-on (SSO) directly into social accounts and ad accounts for Khoros and Cerby customers alike. Cerby will be available as an added feature for Khoros customers starting July 1, 2023.

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Belsasar Lepe, co-founder and CEO of Cerby, said, “Cerby protects direct access to social media and ad accounts for Khoros customers. We’re honored that Khoros, who powers over 550 million digital engagements per day, chose Cerby as a social access management and security partner. Khoros’s social media management solution helps brands navigate the ever-growing network of social, digital, and messaging channels. We understand the challenge of managing multiple social accounts, brands, and dozens of users — especially given how fast login and authentication paths can change across this ecosystem.

“Brands want assurance when they use social media platforms that their company is secure and that they can reach and respond to their customers,” said Chris Tranquill, CEO at Khoros, “Khoros takes great pride in providing the best-in-class solutions for social media management and in selecting best-in-class partners such as Cerby in their respective areas of expertise. Cerby brings great value as a partner to provide seamless solutions with proven protection.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

CerbyCustomer Engagementcustomer experiencecybersecurityKhorosmartech360newssocial media