Mapp enhances Shopify Plus Plugin to integrate with the full Mapp Cloud

Mapp enhances Shopify Plus Plugin to integrate with the full Mapp Cloud

Mapp, the leading provider of insight-led customer experiences, announced that an enhanced version of the Shopify Plus plugin is now fully integrated into Mapp Cloud.

By using the improved Shopify Plus plugin, marketers can access the eCommerce platform’s software applications and functions via Mapp Engage, resulting in a new data source with information on previous transaction data. Mapp Cloud’s real-time enhanced integration with Shopify Plus now provides an enhanced 360-degree view of customers.

The improved integration opens further opportunities for marketers. The Shopify Plus plugin connects all eCommerce data with Mapp Cloud, giving marketers invaluable customer insights for their business with pinpoint accuracy. This results in a more targeted customer approach, as user and transaction data are matched.

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To enable marketers to take better control of marketing campaigns, the marketing dashboard features overviews of both new and existing contacts, while the extension displays all contact information. This is on both Shopify Plus and Mapp Engage, allowing users to benefit from even more precise planning data.

Ricardas Montvila, Vice President of Global Strategy at Mapp said: “By strengthening the integration between these two platforms, we are optimizing the customer experience for both customers and merchants. It has given our users access to a new, easily readable data source. The extension also combines the functions of a customer data platform, an AI-based engine, and a marketing automation tool to simplify the analysis and activation of collected customer data.”

In addition, the following features enable better control of marketing campaigns:

  • Dashboarding & KPIs
  • Customer analysis & insights
  • Cross-channel provision of customer data
  • Advanced drag & drop segmentation
  • Real-time tracking of web behavior
  • Predict conversion and churn
  • Best time and channel for communication
  • AI-based revenue monitoring & smart alerts
  • Segment analytics
  • Cross-channel attribution

Montvila continues: “With this advanced extension, Mapp takes the next step towards a complete marketing ecosystem. In future, users will have another high-quality data source for even more precise and targeted group-optimized marketing campaigns.”

SOURCE: PR Newswire

customer experienceseCommerceMapp CloudMarketersmartech360newsPlus pluginShopifysoftware applications