Quantum Metric announces the winners of the 2023 CPD Signal Awards

Quantum Metric announces the winners of the 2023 CPD Signal Awards

Quantum Metric, the Continuous Product Design platform for customer-driven digital experiences, has announced the 2023 CPD Signal Award winners. The annual awards program is dedicated to recognizing Quantum Metric customers for their outstanding achievements using Continuous Product Design (CPD), a methodology for aligning and prioritizing teams around the digital needs of the customer.

“What defines success in today’s digital world is not how much data you have or even the technology you use, it’s the people behind it all.” said Mario Ciabarra, CEO of Quantum Metric. “At Quantum Metric, we work with so many digital heroes, leaders that achieve digital success by understanding what matters most and using that insight to create real change for their customers, experiences and organization. Every nominee in this year’s awards is a digital hero, but I want to give a special congratulations to our winners who really exemplify what it means to manically focus on winning the hearts of your customers.”

Winners of the CPD Signal awards earned accolades in one of four categories, recognizing both outstanding leadership and team collaboration. Submissions were judged by a team of CPD and industry experts based on the nominees’ strategy and resulting business impact.

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Winners were named during a live ceremony as part of the Quantum LEAP 2023 Bash held on Tuesday, Feb. 7. The 2023 CPD Signal winners included:

  • Stewart Hand of Aer Lingus for Customer Experience Leader. Acknowledged as an exemplary leader who leverages CPD to orchestrate and optimize their customer’s experience. With their focus on customer-centric prioritization, they not only put the needs of their customer first, they do so while still achieving their goals.
  • Moriah Greathouse of American Airlines for Proactive Discovery Leader.
    Recognized for not waiting to hear about customer friction before working to prioritize solutions. Their approach means they leverage the CPD methodology to proactively discover opportunities.
  • Kristen RobinsonBharathi Chandrabose, and Anveh Turel of Home Depot for the Quantified Empathy Leader.
    Honored for leveraging the principles of CPD to contextualize customer feedback and create a customer-centric culture. This individual or team leverages quantified empathy to not only help their colleagues hear the feedback, but act on it.
  • Sandra Wingert of Geico for the CPD Leader Award.
    Celebrated for not only practicing the principles of CPD themselves, but encouraging their team members and colleagues to embrace its principles as they share their thoughts, expertise and insights they glean.

“True leaders succeed to mobilize their organization and align the teams around their customers’ needs.” said Efrat Ravid, Chief Marketing Officer at Quantum Metric. “Change is so hard, but when it happens, and the customers feel it, it creates trust and deeper, lasting relationships. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you for partnering with us.”

SOURCE: PR Newswire

Continuous Product Design platformCPD Signal Awardcustomer experiencecustomer-driven digital experiencesdigital needsmartech360newsQuantum Metric