Salesforce Launches Next Generation of Einstein, Bringing a Conversational AI Assistant to Every CRM Application and Customer Experience

Salesforce introduced the next generation of Einstein, its AI technology. Einstein now includes:

  • Einstein Copilot: A new and trusted out-of-the-box conversational AI assistant built into the user experience of every Salesforce application. Einstein Copilot will drive productivity by assisting users within their flow of work, enabling them to ask questions in natural language, and receive relevant and trustworthy answers that are grounded in secure proprietary company data from Salesforce Data Cloud. In addition, Einstein Copilot proactively offers options for additional actions beyond the user’s query – such as a recommended action plan after a sales call, or creating a new service knowledge article.
  • Einstein Copilot Studio: An easy new way for companies to build an entirely new generation of AI-powered apps with custom prompts, skills, and AI models to close sales deals faster, streamline customer service, auto-create websites based on personalized browsing history, or turn natural language prompts into code, as well as hundreds of other business tasks. Einstein Copilot Studio also provides configurability to make Einstein Copilot available for use across other consumer-facing channels like websites to power real-time chat, Slack, WhatsApp, or SMS.

Coming in pilot this fall, Einstein Copilot and Einstein Copilot Studio will operate within the Einstein Trust Layer, a secure AI architecture natively built into Salesforce that allows teams to generate higher-quality AI results by grounding responses with customer data, while preserving their company’s data privacy and security standards.

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Why it matters: 45% of executives are increasing AI investments and early adopters are already reaping the benefits, freeing over 30% of employee time to drive revenue growth, cut costs, and deliver high-quality customer experiences and interactions. Salesforce’s new advancements put AI to work for millions of CRM users, and are fundamentally reshaping how people build and interact with business applications to achieve higher performance and job satisfaction.

“The reality is every company will undergo an AI transformation to increase productivity, drive efficiency, and deliver incredible customer and employee experiences,” said Marc Benioff, Chair and CEO, Salesforce. “With Einstein Copilot and Data Cloud we’re making it easy to create powerful AI assistants and infuse trusted AI into the flow of work across every job, business, and industry. In this new world, everyone can now be an Einstein.”

Einstein Copilot in Action: A Conversational AI Assistant Driving Massive Productivity Gains

Einstein Copilot will generate trusted and accurate recommendations and content to accomplish specific tasks like building digital storefronts, drafting custom code, creating data visualizations, or providing sales associates with recommended steps to close deals fast. It is securely grounded with customer data from Salesforce Data Cloud, including customer data, enterprise content, telemetry data, Slack conversations, and other structured and unstructured data to ensure that Einstein Copilot makes well-informed and accurate decisions.

SOURCE: Businesswire

Conversational AICRM Applicationcustomer experienceEinsteinMartech 360newsSalesforce