smartShift establishes Customer Advisory Council to solicit feedback on Product Strategy

smartShift, the global leader in Intelligent Automation for SAP transformations, announced the formation of their new Customer Advisory Council.

smartShift Customer Advisory Council brings together thought leaders with common interests, concerns, and enthusiasm to solve complex problems related to custom SAP applications in innovative ways. smartShift customers like Boehringer Ingelheim, BMW, EDEKA, JBS, Logista, Procter & Gamble, ZF, and others will provide feedback and guidance on smartShift solutions and to help to define our future roadmap to address SAP Clean Core and Application Modernization needs.

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Derek Oats, smartShift CEO, says: “Feedback from our customers has always been one of the key drivers for smartShift innovations and has helped us to become the global leader in Intelligent Automation for SAP transformations. We are looking forward to engaging with many of our prestigious customers on a regular basis, receiving their input on the solutions we offer, and creating technology to solve key industry challenges.

“The first session was very engaging. We discussed how organizations use or think about automation for their S/4HANA conversions,” says Arndt Hoffmann, Chief Strategist at smartShift. ‘It was great to see market leaders coming together, sharing insights and strategies from their journeys of running mission-critical SAP systems. Our thought leadership forum is looking forward to engaging in hot topics like Clean Core, Embedded Steampunk, BTP, etc., in the upcoming sessions”.
