SuccessKPI Launches GenAI Workforce Engagement Platform with New WFM Solution

SuccessKPI announced its new AI-powered Workforce Management (WFM) solution to enable more precise traffic forecasting and staffing for contact centers. The new AI Forecasting capability precisely predicts customer traffic and required staffing down to 15-minute intervals. Better forecasting leads to significantly more efficient scheduling resulting in improved ROI. With this solution, SuccessKPI becomes the first pure SaaS customer experience (CX) innovator to deliver all core Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) functions on a unified, AI-powered data platform.

Named a 2024 CRM Industry Leader for WEM by CRM Magazine and a leader of the most recent 2023 Frost & Sullivan Workforce Optimization Radar report, SuccessKPI can now provide enterprise contact centers with all core WEM functions including advanced business intelligence, speech & text analytics, agent assist, quality monitoring and WFM in one solution. These essential capabilities, combined with its integrated reporting, GenAI Engine and Playbook Builder, drive powerful CX insights and next best actions to complete the customer journey.

As a global WEM provider focusing on enterprise and public sector customers, SuccessKPI’s WEM platform combines AI, analytics and automation to remove the obstacles that contact center agents, managers and executives face in delivering a great customer experience. SuccessKPI’s world-class GenAI platform boasts capabilities like AI scoring, deep sense and topic mining, and the completeness of a full WEM solution deepens SuccessKPI’s position as a category innovator.

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SuccessKPI’s AI-powered WFM solution shows significant improvement opportunities for enterprise contact centers such as:

  • 100% increase in SLA performance
  • 80% decrease in manual reporting time
  • 25% increase in agent productivity

“With the help of AI/ML, our Workforce Management solution synchronizes the customer journey with the contact center agent experience by capturing and exploring the customer interaction data to illuminate granular traffic patterns before they emerge,” said Dave Rennyson, CEO of SuccessKPI.

SuccessKPI can work with any contact center provider, whether cloud-based or on-premises. On-prem contact centers can manage WFM motions with the power of AI instead of onerous processes necessary without cloud APIs. The new SuccessKPI WFM solution provides an easy, stable onramp to AI for these legacy contact centers, saving them from investing in a full cloud migration while still advancing into the future.

Unlike other technologies in the industry, the new solution can natively correlate WFM metrics with experience metrics like EWT, FCR and NPS – as well as connect WFM metrics to key contact center metrics like occupancy to measure efficiency. Bringing all these measurements together is a breakthrough enabling the clearest, deepest visibility of the customer experience to help drive better CX outcomes.

SOURCE: PRNewswire

contact centercustomer experiencemartech360newsSuccessKPIWorkforce Engagement Platform