Therap Services Mobile Applications Interface redesigned with added Functionality for an enhanced User Experience allowing Agencies to Document more Effectively and Efficiently

Therap Services Mobile Applications Interface redesigned with added Functionality for an enhanced User Experience allowing Agencies to Document more Effectively and Efficiently

Therap Services, the national leader in providing electronic documentation solutions in a HIPAA-compliant system to agencies and support professionals in the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and other human services fields, updated its Mobile Application functions with additional features so that documentation is made easier as well as faster and users can navigate through the mobile application with ease.

The interface for the Therap Mobile Application Dashboard has been updated to display the counts for unacknowledged T-Logs and SComm messages on the Dashboard. In addition to that, a new Setup section has been added to the Settings page. The Biometric Authentication option has been moved under this section, as well as the Offline EVV configuration option which was previously available on the Dashboard. Moving forward, the Settings page will also allow users to access the About Us, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions pages.

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Utilizing Therap‘s mobile apps, staff cannot only access pertinent data remotely and safely with their handheld devices, but they can also document real-time data quickly and seamlessly from wherever services are being provided in the community. The Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)/Scheduling available in the mobile app for staff to self check-in and check-out provide accountable and verifiable service delivery. Therap’s highly secure mobile apps feature biometric authentication and allows users to self reset their own passwords. The mobile application is available for both Android and iOS platforms and may be enabled by the provider agency.

Tools available in Therap’s mobile apps allow staff to document data for services and supports through ISP Data, enter progress notes using T-Logs, communicate with the broader team using Secure Communications (SComm), and record medication administration using Medication Administration Record (MAR). Users can utilize the application to document and review services they provide in the community and help providers better review and improve the care provided to individuals.

SOURCE: PR Newswire

customer experienceelectronic documentationIn App MarketingLong-Term Services and Supportsmartech360mobile applicationnewsSComm messagesTherap Services