Lattice Wins Global InfoSec Award with its Sentry Solution Stack at the RSA Conference 2022

Lattice Wins Global InfoSec Award with its Sentry Solution Stack at the RSA Conference 2022

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC), the low power programmable leader, today announced that the company was awarded a Global Infosec Award by Cyber Defense Magazine for the second year in a row. During the RSA® Conference 2022, the Lattice Sentry™ solution stack was recognized in the Embedded Security category for its secure system control enabling next-generation Hardware (PFR) Root of Trust.

“Delivering continued FPGA-based innovation to address the needs of our customers, and enable secure, resilient systems are Lattice’s top priorities as the security threat landscape continues to evolve,” said Eric Sivertson, Vice President of Security Business, Lattice Semiconductor. “We’re honored to receive this prestigious cybersecurity award and we thank the Cyber Defense Magazine for once again recognizing our Sentry solution stack for helping system and platform developers more easily integrate strong security into their designs.”

“Lattice Semiconductor embodies three major features we judges look for in deciding winners: understanding tomorrow’s threats, today, providing cost-effective solutions, and innovating in unexpected ways that can help mitigate cyber risk and get one step ahead of the next breach,” said Gary S. Miliefsky, Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine.

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Organized by Cyber Defense Magazine, the Global InfoSec Awards are selected by the CISSP, FMDHS, CEH, certified security professionals’ vote based on their independent review of the company submitted materials on the website of each submission including but not limited to data sheets, white papers, product literature and other market variables.

The Lattice Sentry solution stack helps developers create cyber resilient system control applications compliant with NIST Platform Firmware Resiliency (PFR) Guidelines (NIST SP-800-193) across the Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer markets. Lattice solution stacks provide turnkey application-specific solutions that combine reference platforms and designs, demos, IP building blocks, FPGA design tools, and custom design services to accelerate customer application development and time-to-market.

CommunicationscomputingInfoSecLatticeRSA ConferenceSentry Solution Stack