Consensus & Salesloft Integrate Demo Automation to Upgrade Sales Engagement Best Practices

Consensus & Salesloft Integrate Demo Automation to Upgrade Sales Engagement Best Practices

Consensus, the leading intelligent demo automation platform, announced its product integration with Salesloft, provider of the leading sales engagement platform. The integration of these two category leaders enables Presales and Sales teams to deliver authentic content buyers crave earlier in the sales cycle. Salesloft users can now embed Consensus Interactive Video Demos and Interactive Product Tours into Cadences, Emails, Templates, and Snippets then analyze prospect engagement based on views, shares, and role-based preferences in order to guide stakeholders through accelerated buyer journeys.

“Successful sellers need to think of themselves as ‘buyer coaches,'” said Garin Hess, Founder and CEO of Consensus. “Leveraging Salesloft and Consensus together will help sellers unleash the power of product demos at all stages of the buyer’s journey and delight buying stakeholders every step of the way.”

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As B2B buying becomes more complex with asynchronous individual buying journeys and an expectation for a better experience — guided, on-demand, interactive — adoption of Consensus has surged. The problem is most sellers still hold their buyers hostage to their own calendars because they think they close deals. But as Garin says, “Sellers can’t close deals, only buyers can.” Teams are embracing a buyer-enabled approach as the only way forward. Consensus users share interactive video demos that provide an on-demand, customized experience for each viewer. This forms the backbone of the Demo Qualified Lead (DQL) strategy that has resulted in a 95% qualification rate for Presales teams, versus the median qualification rate of 50% reported in the industry.

The Consensus add-on can now be found in the Salesloft Marketplace. Companies who engage with prospects using Salesloft will be able to search Consensus demos within their Salesloft account and instantly insert them into Cadences, Emails, Templates, and Snippets. As buyers engage with demos coming from Salesloft content, they are enabled to tailor the demo experience by selecting the features they wish to see and eliminating those they don’t. Sellers view and use analytics based on buyer behaviors to align stakeholders earlier in the sales cycle and maximize the time buyers and sellers share on live calls.

“Sales leaders are always looking for ways to increase team efficiency and realize revenue faster,” said Steve Goldberg, CRO at Salesloft. “Giving sellers the ability to lead with demos and other top content opens up new possibilities to identify champions early and provide content they want and need to build momentum inside their organizations. We’re excited to see how companies using both Salesloft and Consensus do more by scaling their sales engineering team across their sales engagement strategy.

SOURCE: PR newswire 

Automation platformConsensusdigital marketingDigital transformationDigitaltechInformation Technologymarketingmarketing automationmarketing technologyMartech 360newsSalesloft