Broadleaf Commerce Announces Broadleaf Microservices 2.0 Release

Broadleaf Commerce is pleased to announce the release of Broadleaf Microservices version 2.0, updated to leverage Spring Boot 3. This upgrade allows customers to use newer Java and Spring versions while receiving general performance and security updates.

As with any Spring upgrade, security, performance, and bug fixes are expected benefits. This significant release also updates the versions of dependent libraries (like Hibernate 6) for better performance. Spring Boot 3 sets the stage for improved observability via Spring Observability and greatly decreased startup times via CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint), enabling Broadleaf to provide framework solutions that build upon these essential technologies. Integration with Spring Authorization Server serves to further establish our commitment to best practice security for the platform.

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Existing clients can adopt Broadleaf 2.0 by following the upgrade guide. Broadleaf CTO Jeff Fischer says, “We are excited about the direction of the Spring Boot platform and the advances made by the Spring team and look forward to realizing the benefits for our customers.”

Broadleaf developed an upgrade plug-in to help facilitate this necessary upgrade, dramatically reducing the burden of applying required boilerplate changes, including repackaging Jakarta EE and adopting new autoconfiguration patterns. To learn more about Broadleaf Microservices and how it can benefit your business.

Broadleaf Commerce believes in furthering commerce innovation and empowering teams to solve complex B2B and B2C challenges across catalog (PIM), content (CMS), Unified, Multi-site, and Marketplace solutions. As the leading choice for enterprise organizations requiring highly extensible, customizable, and scalable open technologies, Broadleaf provides an eCommerce platform built on cloud-native microservice architecture and supported by a team of expert engineers and consultants.


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