Wish Joins Forces with PUDO Inc. to Elevate Online Shopping Convenience for U.S. and Canada Shoppers

Wish Joins Forces with PUDO Inc. to Elevate Online Shopping Convenience for U.S. and Canada Shoppers

ContextLogic Inc, one of the world’s largest mobile ecommerce platforms, announced a partnership agreement with North American parcel pick-up and drop-off counter Network, PUDO Inc. The partnership will allow Wish consumers to click and collect parcels from more than 1,200 PUDOpoint counters across the U.S. and Canada.

The initiative aligns with Wish’s broader goal to improve the shopping experience by providing enhanced levels of convenience for its shoppers. The convenience is rooted in the assurance that packages will be delivered safely to nearby secure locations whenever shoppers are away from home or have delivery restrictions at their home. By the end of the year, Wish Local’s network of pick-up points will total 24,000 globally.

“Through our collaboration with PUDO Inc., we’re enhancing the shopping experience for our customers,” said Bill Zhang, VP of Global Logistics and China GM at Wish. “The partnership amplifies convenience by enabling hassle-free package retrieval from numerous locations. In parallel, it also opens up new avenues for independent retailers to drive increased foot traffic and revenue streams generated by package collections.”

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“Our continued commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction is driving us to expand Wish Local’s pick-up network to 24,000 points globally by year-end,” concluded Mr. Zhang.

At checkout, Wish customers will be presented with several local pick-up options where they can collect their item. Customers can choose PUDO outlets from the list of pick-up options. PUDO has hundreds of locations covering every major market in the United States and Canada.

Elliott Etheredge, Chief Executive Officer at PUDO Inc. commented: “The partnership with Wish allows us to help Wish enhance the experience they provide to their customers. Ease and convenience are paramount for a positive shopper relationship and we are happy the PUDO network will provide this to Wish’s customers. We are also excited at the ability to work with existing Wish locations to expand the PUDOpoint returns network and further increase our network scope across the U.S. and Canada.”

Earlier this year, Wish introduced flat rate shipping to customers in its major markets. The flat rate shipping fee is applied to all eligible items1 over $10, at no additional cost to merchants.

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire

Customer Data Platformcustomer experienceeCommerceMartech 360newsPUDO IncWish