Bitdefender Launches New Email Protection Capabilities for Consumers

Bitdefender Launches New Email Protection Capabilities for Consumers

Bitdefender, a global cybersecurity leader, launched Email Protection, a powerful new feature that scans and identifies potentially dangerous content such as phishing attempts and online scams, in webmail accessed from any device. Email Protection allows users to extend one of the world’s best endpoint protection technologies to webmail services and currently supports Gmail and Outlook.

Email continues to be the top attack vector for cybercriminals. According to Statista, unique phishing sites increased from 147 thousand in 2020 to over 1.35 million in 2022; and the FBI’s 2022 Internet Crime Report stated that phishing was the top complaint filed in the U.S. – 80% higher than personal data breach, the second most filed complaint. Following suit, Bitdefender Labs reported that one in five (23%) financial and bank themed spam emails analyzed were phishing attempts.

Initial access is gained by users clicking on malicious links or attachments. Once a system is compromised, threat actors gain control to steal personal information, finances, extort, or demand a ransom.

As consumers continue to access email across multiple devices, providing full protection from threats has become increasingly difficult – often requiring manual configuration and updating email security solutions on every device that accesses each inbox.

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Email Protection safeguards consumers’ inboxes as malware and phishing scams continue to rapidly evolve. Set-up for each webmail account takes a few moments and is incredibly easy to use. Once activated, Bitdefender scans all incoming email and clearly marks each safe or unsafe, helping users from falling victim to malware or scams.

“Cybercriminals always look for the path of least resistance and opportunities for user error when compromising devices; that’s why initial attacks through email remains the preferred method,” said Ciprian Istrate, senior vice president of operations, Consumer Solutions Group at Bitdefender. “Our new Email Protection feature extends Bitdefender’s world-class cybersecurity to popular webmail services helping secure inboxes that can be accessed from anywhere using any device. A true game changer for the always-on digital lifestyle.”

Key Features and Benefits

  • Powerful email protection – After set-up, scan for malicious emails in real-time over Gmail and Outlook webmail services across any device used to access the accounts.
  • Clear tagging of suspicious content – Emails are immediately tagged with distinct labels (Safe or Dangerous) reducing the risk of accidentally clicking malicious content.
  • Simple email management and reporting – Manage inboxes (including pausing and removing protection) and reporting (number of emails scanned, clean vs malicious over last 30 days) directly from the Bitdefender user interface.
  • Easy set up – Set up email protection just once to secure your mailbox in about a minute or less, with just a few clicks.

SOURCE: Businesswire

artificial intelligenceBitdefenderemail marketingemail protectionGmailMartech 360newsOutlook