Jeeng Survey Shows More Consumers Are Turning to Email Newsletters Now Than Ever Before

Jeeng Survey Shows More Consumers Are Turning to Email Newsletters Now Than Ever Before

New Report Reveals Data That Could Be A Gamechanger for Publishers In 2022 And Beyond

Jeeng, the only multi-channel messaging platform built exclusively for publishers, released, its 2022 Digital Publishing Report showing findings that may be critical for the survival of publishers in 2022 and beyond. Data within the study shows nearly 2X the number of U.S. consumers now turn to publishers’ email newsletters for trustworthy news compared to last year. What’s more, 75 percent of respondents in the survey state they check email several times a day, an increase from just 66 percent last year.

The surge in email readership proves the power of email to build engagement, trust and loyalty among subscribers and underscores the opportunity publishers have to capitalize on this eager, engaged audience.

“We’ve seen an increase in email readership anecdotally among  our own clients over the past year, so this third-party validation really comes as no surprise,” said Jeeng CEO Jeff Kupietzky. “Subscribers are desperate for sources they can trust, but this research shows they also want the interaction and sense of community they get from social platforms. Publishers have a great opportunity to provide the best of both worlds by leveraging the trust consumers place in them while building a community of supporters.”

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The survey data showed that above all, digital consumers want a careful combination of credibility and community, and publishers are uniquely positioned to deliver on that demand with four key strategies:

  • Building loyalty: Over 60 percent respondents who subscribe to publishers’ email newsletters say they do so because they’re already reading the content on the site.
  • Personalized content: Nearly 25 percent of users say they read publisher emails because the content feels like it was written just for them, and a full two-thirds say they’d be more likely to subscribe if they knew the content would be personalized.
  • Appeal to the desire to support the mission: While the majority of people still prefer ad-supported content they can read for free, the number who pay for subscriptions has jumped 80% since last year. The reason: subscribers are willing to pay to support the mission, organization or coverage of topics they care about.
  • Sense of Community: 58 percent of respondents say the ability to read comments is their favorite feature publishers’ sites offer and half say they rely on emails that notify them when something new is posted. Even more important, one in four say they would use discussions, email notifications and content sharing if publishers made those features available

“This year’s data once again shows that publishers have a tremendous opportunity to leverage the trust subscribers place in them to build more connected and engaged communities using email as a primary channel,” Kupietzky said. “But considering that all publishers struggle with limited staff and resources, deploying an automated AI technology is the only practical, realistic way to deliver on audiences’ expectations for personalization, community and engagement.

The ability to deliver what subscribers want through a direct 1-to-1 channel that you can control, like email, will be a gamechanger for publishers this year.”

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Digital Publishing Reportemail newslettersengaged audienceJeengmulti-channel messaging platformpersonalizationsocial platforms