Study Discovers Most Businesses Mess Up Email Deliverability, Shares Easy Fix

Study Discovers Most Businesses Mess Up Email Deliverability, Shares Easy Fix

The next business email you send might not reach the other person’s inbox. Instead, it might be wrongfully filtered out – yet Google isn’t letting you know about it.

A recent study by digital marketing agency Spiralytics discovered that Google Workspace spam detection is filtering out more and more business emails without the sender’s knowledge. In their study, they found that several businesses have their emails wrongfully flagged as spam, disrupting essential communications and more.

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Email is vital for any business. Besides communication, companies rely on their emails to land in their audience’s inbox for the success of their marketing campaigns. If an email doesn’t make it to the inbox because of deliverability issues, it can lead to a loss in revenue and business opportunities. It can also affect brand reputation since emails in a user’s spam folder are often seen as untrustworthy.

Yet deliverability issues plague the business world. As a digital marketing agency, Spiralytics understands the importance of successful email delivery well. In 2022, they discovered that more and more incoming emails were being flagged as spam. They investigated the issue and found each email had failed Google’s Check MX tool.

This issue led them to undergo in-depth research with a sample size of over a hundred clients. From their study, they learned that only 9% of email domains passed Google’s security controls, and only 17% were error-free. They ultimately discovered that email deliverability becomes an issue when senders aren’t configuring their email domains correctly.

Their study then provides two methods marketers can follow to improve their email deliverability: email domain validation and email domain authentication. The methods ensure that email servers stop flagging their emails as spam, and it also helps verify to servers that the emails don’t contain malicious software and are safe to land in a user’s inbox.

“We know many businesses who run into email deliverability issues,” says Spiralytics CEO Jimmy Cassells, “So, we think it’s paramount that they become aware of these methods. It’s a small and easy fix that can offer potentially valuable returns.”

digital marketingemail marketingGoogle WorkspaceJimmy Cassellsmartech360newsSpiralytics