Identity Resolution and Contextual Targeting Rank Highest Priority in Newly Released Publisher Study from InMobi Publisher Insight Survey

InMobi, a leading provider of content, monetization and marketing technologies that help businesses fuel growth, released a Publisher Insights Study to better understand publishers’ priorities in the ever-evolving landscape with 65% of respondents saying their key focus area for 2023 is identity resolution and contextual targeting.

“This will help them better navigate the ever-changing ad tech and consumer privacy landscape.”

With Apple’s AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) in place and Google’s Android Privacy Sandbox on the horizon, the need for a ‘single view’ of the customer is paramount for publishers and advertisers alike. Publishers are seeking identity resolution functionalities to create targetable profiles that they can monetize. Publishers also prefer contextual targeting over behavioural targeting to offer advertisers relevant audiences without relying on an identifier.

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Closely tied to identity, audience insights and data enrichment are also key focus areas for publishers with more than 75% of respondents rating them their highest priority. As publishers now have greater control over first-party data, they are keen to monetize their audiences and unlock new audience segments by enriching their first-party data with the scale of third-party data to create a larger potential pool.

Publishers also plan to prioritize user acquisition, cross-app promotions as well as new and unique formats in 2023, with over 50% of respondents rating those as their top focus areas. Unique ad formats include native ads and app-open ads (launched by Google).

“Beyond ad monetization, publishers are looking for features to help them understand and unlock the potential of their user data in a privacy-first universe,” says Todd Rose, Senior Vice President of Addressability Solutions at InMobi. “This will help them better navigate the ever-changing ad tech and consumer privacy landscape.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

contentcontextual targetingInMobimarketing automationmarketing technologiesmartech360monetizationnewsPublisher Insights Study