Dynamic Creative Ads: 10 Steps to Create & Track Facebook Ads

Running ads can be a headache, especially if you are not getting any conversions. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Dynamic creative ads are a modern solution to finding the right audience with the right content.

99% of marketers view dynamic creative as a significant factor. Not just that. According to a Yahoo survey, 82% of marketers are committed to dynamic creative ads in 2024. So,

  • What is a dynamic ad creative?
  • How can you run an effective meta ad with dynamic creatives?
  • How do you track it?
  • Is it really worth in 2024?

Let’s find answers to these questions in this blog post.

What is a Dynamic Creative Ad?

A dynamic creative ad is programmatic advertising that automatically customizes its content for each viewer. This personalization is done based on demographics, browsing history, product preference, and so on.

Even though, Facebook offers a tool called “dynamic creative” for advertisers to help evaluate the effectiveness of different ad variations.

Dynamic creative ads aren’t limited to Facebook alone. They can also be used on other advertising platforms.

Below is an example of dynamic creative in Snapchat.

Its ultimate goal is to increase the ad campaign’s effectiveness by showing relevant and engaging content. They may be utilized on several platforms for advertising, including social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

“Now, even basic campaigns include multiple audiences, multiple channels, different creatives with different types of conditions that need to run”, says Oz Etzioni, co-founder, and CEO of Clinch.

He further adds, “What teams are realizing is that they can leverage a platform that was built for the most complex campaigns and setups to facilitate and create efficiency and performance”

Also Read: What is a Supply-Side Platform? A Definitive Guide

How To Create A Dynamic Creative Ad On Facebook?

To create a dynamic creative ad on Facebook, you can follow these general steps:

1. Access Facebook Ads Manager

Start by logging into Facebook Ads Manager, which is the platform where you create and manage your ads. This tool offers a comprehensive dashboard for setting up advertising campaigns, tracking performance, and making adjustments.

2. Choose Your Campaign Objective

Select a campaign objective that aligns with your business goals. Facebook categorizes objectives into three groups: awareness, consideration, and conversion.

For instance, if your goal is to drive traffic to your website, choose a conversion objective. The chosen objective influences how Facebook’s algorithm optimizes ad delivery.

3. Enable Dynamic Creative

During the ad set creation, locate the option to enable Dynamic Creative. This feature allows Facebook to automatically test various combinations of your ad’s components (images, videos, headlines, texts, and calls to action).

Turning on this feature is crucial for running a dynamic creative campaign.

4. Set Your Budget and Schedule

Determine your daily or lifetime budget and set the schedule for your campaign. The budget dictates how much you’re willing to spend, while the schedule controls when your ads are active.

It’s advisable to monitor and adjust the budget based on performance to optimize ad spend.

5. Select Your Audience

Define your target audience using Facebook’s detailed targeting options, including demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Initially, a broader audience can help Facebook’s algorithm gather data and optimize ad delivery. Over time, you can refine targeting based on insights and performance.

6. Choose Ad Placements

Opt for automatic placements to allow Facebook to distribute your ad across its network, including Facebook, Instagram, the Audience Network, and Messenger.

This approach maximizes reach and ensures your ads appear where they’re most likely to perform well. You can adjust placements later based on performance data.

7. Add Creative Assets

Upload a variety of creative elements, including up to 10 images or videos, 4 headlines, 3 text variations, and 3 calls to action.

This diversity enables Facebook to test different combinations and find the most effective ones for your audience. Ensure that all assets meet Facebook’s ad guidelines and specifications.

8. Preview and Publish

Use the preview function to see how different combinations of your ad might look. This step helps ensure that all versions are visually appealing and the messaging is coherent. It’s an opportunity to catch any potential issues before the ad goes live.

9. Monitor Performance

Once your ad is running, use the reporting tools in Ads Manager to track the performance of each creative asset.

Facebook provides insights into which combinations of images, texts, and calls to action are driving the best results. Monitoring performance helps in making data-driven decisions for future ads and campaign optimization.

10. Optimize and scale

Based on the performance data, make adjustments to optimize your campaign. This might involve reallocating the budget, tweaking the creative elements, or refining the audience targeting.

Scaling successful ad sets can increase reach and improve overall campaign performance.

How To Track Dynamic Creative Ads on Facebook?

To track dynamic creative ads on Facebook, you can utilize tools within Facebook Ads Manager. Install Facebook Pixel or SDK on your website or app.

Define conversion events and use Facebook Analytics for insights. Monitor ad performance metrics like impressions, CTR, conversions, and ROAS.

Test different ad variations and use breakdowns to analyze performance based on dimensions. Refer to Facebook’s official documentation for the most up-to-date instructions.

What is the Difference Between Dynamic And Non-Dynamic Ads?

Dynamic ads are advertisements that tailor their content based on each viewer’s preference using real-time data. These constantly update and adapt themselves to match the unique preferences of different audiences.

Non-dynamic ads (static ads) are a type of advertisement that does not adapt or change based on user behavior. These are created as a single ad and are distributed across several channels.

The capacity of dynamic advertisements to customize and modify the ad content is what sets them apart from non-dynamic ones.

Non-dynamic advertising shows the same material to all viewers without personalization or adaptation depending on individual tastes or behavior, whereas dynamic ads use real-time data and technology to deliver relevant and individualized content to each viewer.

Are Dynamic Ads Worth It?

Dynamic creative ads offer benefits primarily for long-term performance, not short-term. They allow for a “set and forget” approach, unlike static ads, which require constant monitoring. If pure performance is the goal, traditional ads might be more effective initially.

Dynamic ads need time to learn and optimize, hence run them for at least 15 days before evaluating their success. This duration helps the algorithm determine which creatives resonate with your audience.

To maximize effectiveness, it’s useful to run ads with split audiences. One set targets existing audiences, while the other uses dynamic creatives. Cost-cap dynamic creative ads (DCAs) have shown promising results in such scenarios.

A common mistake is using too many creatives and texts. Limiting creatives to 2-3 and texts to 2-3 simplifies the testing process. This approach helps the algorithm find the best-performing creatives faster.

Dynamic ads can be very effective when used correctly. They reduce the need for constant manual adjustments.

Remember, patience and strategy are key to dynamic ad success. Overall, dynamic ads can be worth it in the long run.

Dynamic Creative Ads on a Steriods

With all the information discussed in this article, you are ready to tap into dynamic creative ads. There are multiple tools like Kenshoo, Adacado, etc to help you get started. Start experimenting with different elements and let Facebook’s algorithm do the heavy lifting, ensuring your ads reach the right people with the most compelling content. Happy advertising!

advertising campaignadvertising platformDynamic Creative Adsmartech360performance trackingProgrammatic Ads