New Industry Data Shows Record Low Ad Fraud Rates in Industry-Certified Channels Across Major Asia-Pacific Markets

New Industry Data Shows Record Low Ad Fraud Rates in Industry-Certified Channels Across Major Asia-Pacific Markets

Third Annual Analysis of Asia-Pacific Fraud Shows IVT Rate Falling to 0.37% When Multiple Supply Chain Participants Have TAG Seal

The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), an advertising industry initiative to fight criminal activity and strengthen brand safety in the digital advertising supply chain, released a new analysis of data from major Asia-Pacific markets showing record-low rates of Invalid Traffic (IVT) in TAG Certified Channels, where multiple supply chain participants have adopted the industry’s standards against fraud.

Conducted by The 614 Group, the third-annual TAG Asia-Pacific Fraud Snapshot found a 0.37% percent rate for invalid traffic in TAG Certified channels where multiple entities involved in the transaction – such as the media agency, buy-side platform, sell-side platform, and/or publisher – have achieved the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal. In Non-Certified Channels (NCC), the rate was more than 2.5 times higher.

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“Ad fraud criminals search for weaknesses in the supply chain to exploit, so our industry’s continued success in fighting fraud depends on broad participation by companies around the world at every step in those ad transactions,” said Nick Stringer, TAG‘s VP Global Engagement and Operations. “This study shows once again that – because having multiple TAG Certified participants in a transaction safeguards ad spend from fraud so effectively – every company that earns the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal effectively reduces fraud for both their customers and their supply chain partners, thus ensuring broader protection across the industry.”

The 614 Group study measured invalid traffic (IVT) rates in TAG Certified Channels by analyzing 158 billion ad impressions from January to December 2021 from three of the largest advertising agency holding companies across AustraliaIndiaIndonesiaJapanNew ZealandSingaporeThailand, and Vietnam. The number of impressions measured increased nearly 59% from the 99.7 billion measured in 2021.

“Since 2017, The 614 Group has been measuring the impact of TAG Certification in markets around the world, and the evidence becomes more compelling each year that the ad industry can maintain consistent, low, and predictable levels of fraud by adopting the same high standards across the supply chain,” said Rob Rasko, CEO of The 614 Group. “This year marks a major increase in the level of engagement we saw from our local partners.  We are not only grateful but also excited about the great enthusiasm that the advertising leaders of Asia Pacific have shown for our important research initiatives and industry summits.”

In addition to the Asia Pacific nations involved this year’s, TAG is in discussion with China Advertising Association (CAA) to expand its analysis to include the Chinese market next year.

The full 2022 TAG Asia Pacific Fraud Snapshot can be found here. Additional information about TAG’s Certified Against Fraud Program and how companies from across the advertising ecosystem can receive the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal can be found at

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Advertising Agencyadvertising industrybrand safetydigital advertisingmartech360newsThe 614 GroupTrustworthy Accountability Group