Perion Reiterates Annual Guidance; Joins Apple on Privacy Crusade, Launching Wide-Reaching Campaign For SORT

Perion Reiterates Annual Guidance; Joins Apple on Privacy Crusade, Launching Wide-Reaching Campaign For SORT

Motivating Privacy-Sensitive Audience with Viral Short Film to Educate Users About Online Privacy Risks

Perion Network Ltd. a global advertising technology company that delivers holistic solutions across the three main pillars of digital advertising – ad search, social media and display / video / CTV advertising – launched an integrated campaign to raise awareness of its proprietary SORTTM platform. Unlike other offerings in the marketplace, Perion’s SORTTM technology is the first cookieless solution that ensures total anonymity for the ultimate privacy technology that users can fully trust.

“As cookies and third-party data are being phased out, companies across the globe are obligated to deliver privacy solutions that meet the rising expectations of consumers”

The video, entitled “The Complete Guide to Protecting Your Privacy Online, directed by award-winning filmmaker Max Joseph — cohost/executive producer of MTV’s Catfish, director of HBO Max’s 15 Minutes of Shame (exec. produced by Monica Lewinsky), as well as a number of wildly successful viral videos for Nike, Samsung, and Rainforest Alliance (Cannes Lions Winner).

“As cookies and third-party data are being phased out, companies across the globe are obligated to deliver privacy solutions that meet the rising expectations of consumers,” said Doron Gerstel, CEO of Perion. “SORTTM does that in a unique and differentiated way that no other cookieless solution can equal – because it captures no consumer data whatsoever. Our short film showcases how impossible it is to live a private life in today’s world, and how SORTTM solves the problem. We are honored to have collaborated with Max Joseph to capture the mission of SORTTM with irresistible humor.”

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SORTTM’s machine learning model analyzes millions of data combinations to create cookieless targeting groups consisting of people who think and react to ads like one another. It is the only cookieless solution enabling advertisers to reach audiences the moment they are most receptive to seeing an ad, without browser and device limitations faced by cookie-based approaches.

“When Perion reached out, I was immediately interested,” said Max Joseph. “We are living in the wild west of the internet, but SORT provides a much-needed service to verify advertisements for consumers signaling to people that an advertisement is safe. Calling attention to how cavalier we are online compared with how careful we are in real life felt relevant, poignant and funny.”

2022 Annual Guidance

“With the first half of 2022 behind us and with the visibility we have into the second half of the year, we feel confident reiterating our annual guidance,” added Mr. Gerstel.



Guidance 2022

YoY Growth %(1)





Adjusted EBITDA







ad searchCTV advertisingdigital advertisingGlobal advertising technologymartech360newsPerion Networksocial mediaSORT