What are the Secrets to Successful Mobile Marketing Campaigns?

You might be losing out on an incredible opportunity for your company if you haven’t thought about employing mobile marketing yet.

You don’t need statistics to know that people are captivated by their mobile devices; all you need to do is take a glance around.

Marketers have had to modify their approaches to keep up with the growth of smartphones. A person who does not adapt will fall behind. Having said that, mobile marketing campaigns can be used to spread awareness of your brand, increase opt-ins to your mailing list or user registrations, disseminate exclusive offers, promotions, or coupons, or improve customer service and brand engagement.

As we move forward in this blog you will get some insider tips and tricks for developing a fruitful mobile marketing campaign that will astound your target audience.

Let’s jump right in!

What is Mobile Marketing?

Did you know that most people use their mobile devices for nearly three hours every day? That’s a significant chunk of time spent glancing at screens! A strong mobile marketing strategy must be in place if you want to reach your consumers where they are.

Now the question that arises here is what mobile marketing and mobile marketing campaigns exactly are. Let me simplify it for you, the skill of marketing your company in a way that appeals to mobile consumers is mobile marketing. (So basically everyone.)

Let’s first discuss the importance of mobile marketing campaigns in your overall advertising plan before moving on to our top tip.

Let’s start by looking at some really interesting data regarding mobile usage.

Online searches on mobile devices have grown by more than 200% annually since 2012. Additionally, mobile browsers account for about 40% of all online time spent by users.

Furthermore, using apps takes up about 80% of the time that people spend on their smartphones.

Of course, you need more evidence to start treating mobile ad campaigns seriously than just this data. Numerous other advantages are provided by mobile marketing campaigns. They consist of:

  • Quick customer contact
  • higher cost-efficiency
  • greater opportunities for distribution
  • an increased response rate
  • Shareability
  • calculating/collecting information on campaign results
  • targeting certain demographics with messages

Ultimately, if you don’t start embracing mobile marketing strategies right away, you’ll get left behind.

Key Mobile Marketing Tips to Leverage Your Business Strategy

It’s time to get to our favorite mobile marketing tips now that you have a better understanding of why mobile marketing campaigns are so important. Let’s dig in.

1. Know your audience

No matter how effective your mobile marketing campaign appears on paper, if it never reaches its target audience, it is useless.

Make sure your plan mirrors the traits of the customers you are targeting before you start spending money.

2. Preserve Goodwill – Don’t Destroy It

Mobile must be utilized carefully to avoid offending current and potential clients since it is an intensely private and intimate medium.

You can give your mobile users more value and a better experience while also maximizing the effectiveness and impact of your budget by building a separate opt-in database just for them.

3. Deliver Exceptional User Experience Across All Devices

Make sure you give everyone who engages with your campaign the best experience you can since every brand impression counts.

Even today, prominent corporations with ample resources have been known to create mobile sites that render inconsistently across platforms or subpar apps that differ dramatically from their mobile Web and desktop experiences in terms of feature set, user experience, and branding.

4. Track All Metrics, Not Just Wins

Why complicate the already challenging task of mobile media planning by neglecting a wealth of information about the effectiveness of your own campaigns?

However, many mobile marketers actually do this when they only track the quantity of opens, downloads, activations, and registrations rather than examining data on bounce rate, repeat usage, the number of pages per unique visit, or the duration of video views.

It’s vital to assess factors like feedback – advantages and disadvantages – in the reviews area in order to maximize your performance.

5. Allow the Medium to Match the Message

The age-old mobile marketing argument pits apps against mobile websites.

As is typically the case, there is no one solution that works in every circumstance.

You must first determine your message before deciding how to effectively communicate it if you want to have the biggest impact and get the most for what you’re spending.

What Makes a Winning Mobile Marketing Strategy? Find Out Now!

There are several options to think about while developing your mobile marketing strategy. The following are a few of the key types of mobile marketing strategies:

1. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing refers to text message marketing. Other names for it include text message marketing and text marketing. Text messages have excellent deliverability, openness, and engagement rates, which is one of the factors making SMS marketing such a potent mobile advertising tactic. The figures demonstrate:

  • Between 90% and 99% of SMS are opened.
  • Within three minutes, 90% of SMS messages are opened.
  • Click-through rates on websites can be more than two times higher than on emails.

2. Social Media Marketing

For accessing social media, many smartphone owners use them. According to Statista, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram are closely followed by Facebook, which has more than 2.8 billion monthly active users worldwide. Use social media as one of your primary mobile marketing strategies since there are so many of those users in one spot.

Through comments and messages on social media, it’s simple to develop a personal relationship with your audience. Customer recommendations and referrals can also help you build brand recognition and enhance conversions.

3. Location-Based Marketing (GPS)

In order to display customers’ promotions and relevant material depending on their whereabouts, location-based marketing takes advantage of the GPS feature on smartphones.

As it is more pertinent to the locations and activities of mobile users, this type of marketing generates higher levels of engagement and better responses.

4. In-app Marketing

The app market cannot be ignored by smart marketers. The top five applications, according to Business of Apps, are TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram. However, there are hundreds of thousands of additional apps, which is why in-app advertising has developed into a critical component of mobile marketing strategies.

Best Mobile Advertising Campaigns That Will Leave You in Awe

Let’s now take a closer look at some of the most effective and best mobile advertising campaigns that made use of mobile devices to raise brand awareness. Here, we will go through numerous mobile marketing campaigns and discuss how you may use them as well.

1. Burn That Ad – Burger King

When it comes to making fun of its rivals, Burger King has no qualms. The company actually launched “Burn That Ad,” a real-time troll campaign that was quite successful.

Smartphone users could download the Burger King app and use the augmented reality (AR) scanner to find and visually demolish their competitors’ advertisements in order to win a free Whopper! Of course, it isn’t the most elegant (or moral) technique to raise conversion rates, but the mobile marketing effort was too brilliant to be interpreted in an offensive manner. The new technology was actually fun for customers to experiment with, and Burger King was able to maximize its rival’s investment!

2. IKEA Place: IKEA

Another excellent mobile marketing campaign example is as follows: IKEA Place accomplishes two things by enabling smartphone users to browse their catalog and see how a piece of furniture would fit in its designated space. The mobile app uses Augmented Reality (AR) to overlay a life-scale representation of the object against the background that was photographed in order to achieve the latter.

IKEA Place is already an international sensation due to its innovative solution and its 370,000+ monthly active users. The users of the app spent an average of 8 minutes on it, a notable increase from the previous 3 minutes, which further increased engagement.

3. Hunger Spotter: Spotify and Snickers

“You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” served as the tagline for a successful marketing campaign by Snickers.

Although the campaign performed well offline on its own, the mobile marketing campaign in collaboration with Spotify brought it to the attention of the online world. A mobile pop-up advertisement for Snickers was delivered when the app detected that the user was listening to musical genres that were very different from their regular ones. A clickable call to action button on the banner linked users to Snickers’ Hunger Hits. Almost 7 billion total impressions and just under 2 billion unique reaches were produced by this campaign!

Now is the Time to Integrate These Tips Into Your Strategy

Mobile marketing is here to stay, and statistics indicate that it will continue to advance over time. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to begin implementing proven marketing campaigns.


Location-Based MarketingMartech 360mobile devicesmobile marketingMobile Marketing CampaignsSMS marketingsocial media marketing