MarTech360 Interview With, Thomas O’Banion, Head of Marketing At First Orion

“As marketers, we care a lot about brand reputation. Companies that brand their calls instill trust that the caller is who they say they are.”

Could you provide insights into particular instances from your tenure in the Navy that played a pivotal role in fostering your self-discipline and leadership abilities? Additionally, could you highlight significant lessons or principles gleaned from your career thus far that have significantly influenced your leadership and collaborative approaches?

For most veterans (I assume), you learn a lot about toughness and resilience. Not tough as in pain management – though that is part of it – but how to develop a thick skin. You also learn how to develop leadership skills such as team building and getting people to think about the bigger picture rather than the individual – what is the goal and “how can you help us get there?” kind of things.

I’ve worked with some outstanding leaders and people throughout my career. One of the biggest lessons is that you have to put yourself out there – don’t be afraid of sharing ideas and giving honest, constructive feedback. It’s okay to make mistakes, so long as you learn something from them.

Thomas, can you tell us about your professional background and your current role at First Orion. Also tell us how does First Orion differentiate itself from other companies in the same space?

I started my career as a communications professional, working on federal contracts for the Department of Defense and Environmental Protection Agency, before moving into marketing in the employer-sponsored benefits industry and then the telecommunication space.

What sets First Orion apart from everyone else in the telecom space is that we pioneered these branded calling and call protection technologies. This is our specialty – it’s where we focus all of our time and energy. Since day one, we’ve been committed to restoring trust and transparency in the phone call, which has led us to develop leading solutions that have been adopted by major U.S. carriers and leading enterprises on the Fortune 500 list. This innovative mindset keeps us looking forward and dedicated to continual improvement.

How does the implementation of branded communication affect a company’s bottom line and contribute to the enhancement of marketing strategies? Additionally, could you share real- world case studies to demonstrate the substantial transformations it has brought about for businesses and their customers?”

Branded communication transforms a company’s operational efficiency, saves money, and generates dollars to their bottom line. Our survey data shows that there is considerable demand by consumers for companies to identify themselves on phone calls. That’s due to scam callers and nuisance callers eroding trust in calls from unknown numbers.

For instance, we have a retail client that uses branded calling for last-mile delivery. An undelivered item costs them over $150 to redeliver it at a later time. When they started using branded communication, they were confirming and delivering more items on time, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Plus, the customers were receiving their merchandise on time and weren’t worried or frustrated with the process.

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Can you tell us how branded calling significantly influences brand reputation, customer experience and operational excellence in today’s business landscape?

If a company is calling customers from an unknown number, most people won’t answer the call because they don’t trust it.

We surveyed mobile subscribers about their experiences and expectations with receiving phone calls from their favorite brands. More than 3 in 4 respondents said that they’d view a brand as “more premium” if it clearly identified itself when calling, and 84% said they’d feel more valued as a customer.

We also know that companies who use branded calling make fewer repeat calls to their customers, saving their team time and getting to the goal of the intended call more quickly.

What are some of the potential benefits that companies can expect to gain from prioritizing branding, transparency, and protection through First Orion’s solutions?

As marketers, we care a lot about brand reputation. Companies that brand their calls instill trust that the caller is who they say they are. That means people are more willing to answer and have a conversation because they feel confident in who’s calling them.

Brand loyalty and reputation go way up, and you’re more likely to keep those customers coming back for repeat business.

What excites you most about being the Head of Marketing at First Orion?

This is a nascent technology and industry – there’s an incredible amount of “green field” opportunity. I love that we’re helping businesses transform their mobile communication and that it will positively impact nearly every single person.

What advice would you give to other Marketing leaders that helped you personally?

Stretch yourself and your skill set. I started as a copywriter/content/communications professional, then saw opportunities to contribute and learn in different ways. I picked up a basic understanding of Photoshop, I delved into Product Marketing, and event and campaign management.

I never imagined I would learn so much when I started. But being willing to learn and get out of my comfort zone helped me get where I wanted to be.

Can you provide insights into your future plans for branded calling and how you envision it evolving in the coming years?

As telecommunications evolve, we’ll continue to be at the forefront. We already have branded calls with logo delivery available and we also have a spoof protection solution for the financial services, healthcare, and insurance industries. Phone calls are an important part of the business communication ecosystem, and we have to ensure people can trust who’s calling them.

Is there anything that you’re currently reading, or any favorite books, that you’d recommend?

I’m currently reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It’s stark and bleak – the writing is sparse. It makes you focus on reading between the lines, what is and isn’t said.

The book I’d recommend to most people is Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. Hands down one of the greatest books I’ve ever read – it’s epic … the storytelling is beautiful and the characters feel so real.


Thomas‘s career path hasn’t followed a linear trajectory from point A to point B. Instead, it has unfolded as an adventurous journey with various stops and side missions along the way.

During his tenure in the Navy, Thomas acquired valuable lessons in self-discipline and leadership. The military experience laid a foundation for his character, instilling qualities that would prove instrumental in his professional growth. Moving forward, Thomas embarked on a new phase of learning, pursuing a Master’s degree and delving into the role of a technical writer. In this capacity, he honed the skills of asking pertinent questions and working independently, demonstrating a keen understanding of the written word.

Transitioning into the realm of marketing, Thomas expanded his repertoire of skills. He not only learned the intricacies of conceiving and executing campaigns but also internalized the importance of considering the audience’s needs. As a marketer, he became adept at communicating value and motivating individuals to take action, marking a pivotal chapter in his professional evolution.

Elevating his role to that of a marketing leader, Thomas now strives to see the broader picture. His leadership style is characterized by an ability to motivate team members to deliver their best work.

Since 2008, First Orion has transformed the phone call experience for businesses, carriers and consumers through its industry-leading communication branding and protection solutions. As the market leader in branded calling, First Orion is a trusted partner to Fortune 500 companies and the largest U.S. mobile carriers. The global telecommunications solutions provider helps businesses generate more revenue, increase efficiency, and improve the customer experience by empowering them to brand their phone calls with their name, logo and reason for calling. First Orion also provides the industry’s most secure calling experience and best-in-class analytics for call program optimization.

artificial intelligencebrand buildingbrand marketingbrand reputationdigital advertisingEnvironmental Protection Agencyfinancial servicesFirst OrionMartech 360telecommunication