OpenX Teams up with Cedara to Become the First Adtech Platform to Deliver a Complete Programmatic Campaign Emissions Solution

OpenX Teams up with Cedara to Become the First Adtech Platform to Deliver a Complete Programmatic Campaign Emissions Solution

OpenX Technologies, Inc., one of the world’s leading omnichannel supply-side platforms, announced a milestone partnership with Cedara, the Carbon Intelligence Platform. With this integration, OpenX becomes the first digital advertising company to offer automated emissions measurement on campaigns, reduced campaign emissions, and a custom carbon offset portfolio solution for remaining campaign emissions via Cedara’s platform.

By pairing Cedara’s media emissions reduction and offset capabilities with OpenX’s status as the first Net-Zero adtech company, this partnership leads the industry’s sustainability initiative with best-in-class solutions for measuring and reducing emissions both at a corporate level and in media distribution.

This fully integrated solution will enable buyers to:

  • sync organizational emissions data with media buys
  • access highly curated and third-party certified projects
  • achieve transparency and customization into how and what offsets are leveraged through the creation of custom offset portfolios
  • seamlessly onboard and measure emissions from OpenX’s campaigns

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Cedara provides automated omnichannel emissions measurement and deep business intelligence across both organizational and campaign-level emissions for advertisers and the media supply chain. Paired with OpenX’s comprehensive media activity data, this partnership enables transparent and accurate emissions measurement to deliver a truly sustainable supply path for buyers.

“We are thrilled to partner with OpenX, as they have a long-term commitment to sustainability and are consistent innovators. Our partnership gives buyers an end-to-end, sustainable programmatic product that they simply can’t get anywhere else,” said Eric Shih, COO at Cedara.

“With Cedara, we are able to offer an end-to-end solution that enables brands to measure the impact of their digital activity and provides control over and transparency into how and where quality offsets are used while delivering performance across our publisher portfolio,” said Joseph Worswick, VP EMEA and Head of Global Sustainability at OpenX. “In keeping with OpenX’s commitment to our own emissions reduction, we’re excited to see more businesses successfully build sustainability solutions as it shows the demand from digital advertising is growing.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

adtech platformCedaradigital advertisingMartech 360newsomnichannel supply-side platformsOpenX