The Biggest App Planning & Design Mistakes Businesses Make, According to Experts [DesignRush QuickSights]

The Biggest App Planning & Design Mistakes Businesses Make, According to Experts [DesignRush QuickSights]

With 6.6 billion global smartphone users, as per Statista, businesses increasingly leverage mobile apps to connect with their audience. However, Fyresite estimates that 99.5% of apps fail. And according to MobileAppDaily, bad UX is one of the major reasons users uninstall them. There is no special formula for success, but there are specific design elements that can make or break apps.

DesignRush, a B2B marketplace connecting businesses with agencies, leveraged its 13,000-agencies-strong network for quick insights – or “QuickSights” – on the biggest app planning and design mistakes businesses make.


In the opinion of Igor Repeta, project manager at Empat, most businesses fail to conduct customer interviews which is the key to delivering products that customers need.

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“As we specialize in developing solutions for startups, the most common mistake is that clients start tech development without first conducting customer interviews,” said Repeta. ”According to a CBS Insights study, 35% of startups fail due to a lack of market need. As a result, a development company creates a mobile app that, as it turns out, the customers do not require. Early customer involvement can help deliver a successful product and reduce production costs.”


Ace Infoway COO Vipul Shah adds that enlisting a good product analyst will help collect valuable user feedback. Then, you can adjust your expectations accordingly.

“Falling in love with your idea is easier than taking a step back and verifying whether users really need what you’re building,” said Shah. “I call this phenomenon ‘Visionary Premises’. 25% of apps downloaded by worldwide users were only accessed once after download. Every entrepreneur believes they’re Steve Jobs. But, when starting app development, make sure to enlist a good product analyst who will run small user studies and comply with how people interact with the prototype. Listen to their feedback and adjust your expectations accordingly.”


According to Andrey Kozhuhov, CEO of CimpleO, some businesses invest in app building for the sake of following trends rather than solving a problem.

“Avoid designing an app without purpose and ignoring budget restrictions,” said Kozhuhov. “Apps are often designed in order to follow trends, rather than to solve a problem, a pretty usual case when the client already spent 90% of the budget on a fancy design without any functional MVP or proper CustDev. Result — fail.”

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