Brightcove simplifies content creation with new intuitive web-based video editing tool

Brightcove simplifies content creation with new intuitive web-based video editing tool

Brightcove, the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, announced it has added Web-based video editing capabilities. This new core feature will add easy-to-use editing capabilities to accelerate video creation, management and publishing workflows.

Designed to meet the needs of publishers, marketing, social media, HR and communications professionals, this editing feature is designed to be intuitive to use and suitable for anyone to use, ensuring all users can leverage its full potential across a wide range of video expertise level user.

“In today’s fast-paced content environment, feature-rich and easy-to-use video editing tools are critical for teams to create and curate high-quality content,” said Scott Levine, chief product officer at Brightcove. “Brightcove’s in-platform editing capabilities simplify the process of quickly creating and curating high-quality content.” The video content creation process for a team that publishes high-quality videos. Our goal is to make Brightcove a one-stop workplace for all our clients’ video marketing and communications needs.”

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Brightcove’s web-based video editor allows customers to create content from start to finish within the streaming platform. This new feature, included in Brightcove’s Marketing Studio and Communications Studio solutions, will help customers:

  • Create highlights from longer videos: Repurpose existing video content by editing recordings into short clips, highlights, or condensed versions for specific audiences. Users can organize and cut clips or merge points from larger videos to create new clips, segments or highlights, perfect for sharing on social media or other platforms. These can also add graphics, logos, music, artwork and other creative elements.
  • Package employee-generated content: Users can take employee or other contributor recordings and edit them into final videos for internal or external distribution.
  • Develop promotional video content: Edit video content using customizable templates for promotions, event purposes and personalized content. Users can also create their own company templates to create content efficiently and quickly.
  • Edit videos for individual channels: Edit or crop brand-ready content to distribute to different channels to expand reach while meeting specific aspect ratio requirements, including playing videos in portrait orientation.

Brightcove creates the world’s most reliable, scalable and secure streaming technology solutions, creating closer connections between companies and their audiences, anywhere and on any content device. In more than 60 countries, Brightcove’s intelligent video platform enables businesses to sell to customers more efficiently, media leaders to deliver and monetize content more reliably, and every organization to engage in more collaborative and collaborative conversations with their team members.

SOURCE: Businesswire

artificial intelligenceBrightcovecontent managementMartech 360newsVideo Editing Toolvideo marketing