Top 3 Reasons Your Business Should Adopt Video Content Marketing Strategy Today

In a digitally connected world where screens dominate our attention, the significance of video content marketing is undeniable. With 87% of businesses leveraging video as a marketing tool, it’s clear that this strategy is effective.

Today, people consume a diverse array of videos across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This growing demand has given rise to a new marketing landscape termed “video content marketing” by marketers.

What is Video Content Marketing?

Video content marketing entails utilizing video content to endorse a brand, product, or service. It encompasses crafting and disseminating pertinent and consistent video content to a specific audience, aiming to acquire engaging, captivating, and qualified leads. In today’s digital realm, video content marketing holds growing significance, supported by data indicating that 91% of businesses employ video as a marketing tool. This trend persists because video content has demonstrated effectiveness in capturing consumer attention, fostering audience connections, and enhancing engagement metrics.

Furthermore, this marketing strategy relies on various factors, including the following:

  • Strategizing and planning when making videos
  • Understanding your target audience, which entails identifying their demographics, preferences, challenges, etc.
  • Choosing video formats and lengths that align with your business goals
  • Planning the time to upload your videos
  • Identifying the platforms and channels on which your target audience is most active
  • Regularly monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of your video content
  • These pointers can help you create a strong video content strategy that effectively attracts the target audience, promotes brand awareness, and assists in realizing marketing objectives.
  • Delivering engaging video content that connects with your audience will help you attain a competitive edge.

One crucial aspect often overlooked is timing. “When are you making the video and posting it?” is a question that holds immense significance. It’s not just about creating great content; it’s about ensuring it reaches your audience when they’re most receptive. Understanding your audience’s online habits and preferences can help you schedule video releases for maximum impact.

Also Read: 5 Content Syndication Best Practices: A Detailed Guide

Benefits of Video Content Marketing

Once you set your video content marketing strategy in action, here are some of the benefits you can anticipate:

Strengthening of SEO

There are numerous advantages to video marketing, but we’d like to focus on one in particular: stronger SEO. Web pages featuring videos are progressively being prioritized by search algorithms, and videos now appear in 55% of Google keyword searches.

Videos not only help your website rank for relevant searches, but they also make your snippet (or the actual result listing content) bigger and more eye-catching, ensuring that users see it before they see the other results on the page. This implies that your website will not only appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) but will also appear at the top of those pages.

By using SEO techniques, you can give your video audience an improved viewing experience. You can ensure a satisfying user experience by optimizing your videos for quick loading times, mobile responsiveness, and accessibility. As a result, viewers are more likely to stay engaged, watch content for longer periods of time, and take part in necessary activities.

High ROI

Your video’s return on investment will be determined by a number of factors, including how well you’ve planned your content strategy and the video’s quality. Notably, WYZowl has found that 92% of survey respondents believe video provides a decent return on investment. Not only do most of us have high-quality video recorders in the form of smartphones in our pockets, but software tools like VideoScribe and Doodly make it simple to create entertaining explainer videos for a minimal cost. It’s easier to have a good ROI if you spend less on video production.

A good return on investment (ROI) in video content marketing means that your budget and resources are being used wisely. It indicates that your video content is outperforming the costs of making and promoting such videos in terms of results. This cost-effectiveness enables you to use your marketing budget, guaranteeing that your investment yields noticeable results.

Your video content marketing approach can be optimized using data when you have a solid ROI, which provides insightful data. You may identify what works and what doesn’t, make intelligent choices, and optimize future videos as necessary by studying metrics and performance indicators.


Videos and mobile phones are inextricably linked. 90% of people watch videos on their mobile devices. According to YouTube, mobile video consumption grows by 100% per year. Your video audience will continue to grow as consumers prefer to watch videos on the go and the number of smartphone users continues to rise.

Users today often want shorter, easier-to-consume videos that offer rapid information or enjoyment. You may respond to these preferences and produce videos that are suitable for mobile viewing by optimizing your video content for mobile devices. This increases the chance of getting and holding mobile viewers’ attention, resulting in more engagement and a better user experience.

According to Google, smartphone users are twice as likely as TV viewers and 1.4 times more likely than desktop viewers to feel a sense of personal connection to brands that provide video content or commercials on their devices.

Now that we’ve covered the biggest video hosting platforms, let’s drill down into best practices for social media.

Expect viewers to watch your videos without sound. Did you know that Instagram was the first social channel to show silent, auto-playing videos? This type of video is popular on social media because it makes it easy for viewers to watch videos when they are in public.

Best Practices for Video Content Marketing

Start with action to grab your viewer’s attention. Videos that feature people speaking are great for landing pages or your website but try to stick to visually stimulating videos for social media.

Add text or include captions: Ensure viewers can follow along with or without audio.

Short videos are best: While video lengths vary by platform, shooting your video in a way that allows for easy segmentation into bite-sized pieces can enhance traffic and engagement.

Grab attention fast: When posting to social media, your video content competes with a plethora of information on the screen. With mobile viewing, this competition intensifies. Thus, it’s crucial to dive into your content quickly and convey its purpose within the first 8–10 seconds.

Shoot for Versatility in Screen Sizes: Compose each shot of your video to accommodate various screen dimensions and shapes. While audiences may watch widescreen videos on mobile devices while scrolling through platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, the same video might lose visual impact if posted as an Instagram story.

The Bottom Line

Video content marketing has emerged as a dynamic and effective strategy for brands to connect with their target audience. By utilizing visually engaging and emotionally compelling videos, businesses can create a lasting impression, enhance brand awareness, and drive sales. With the rise of digital platforms and the widespread use of video content, it is crucial for brands to incorporate video marketing into their overall marketing strategy. Video content marketing has proven to be a powerful tool for storytelling, audience engagement, and building meaningful connections with customers. It is an essential component of any successful marketing campaign in today’s digital age.

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