Wochit Launches a Plug-and-Play Video Editor That Companies Can Seamlessly White-Label as Part of Their Platform

Wochit Launches a Plug-and-Play Video Editor That Companies Can Seamlessly White-Label as Part of Their Platform

Wochit, a leader in SaaS video creation, distribution, and automation, announced the launch of a streamlined, self-serve version of their video creation product, designed to be easily embedded and white-labeled by organizations looking to add video editing to their platform for their customers.

“One thing should be clear to every industry, channel, and business owner by now,” said Dror Ginzberg, Wochit’s Founder and CEO. “Video is non-negotiable for anyone serious about engaging with their audience or end consumer. Any platform or marketplace that can’t offer that capability will lose their customers to a platform that does.”

A pioneer in the video creation space over the last 10 years, Wochit has until now mostly served enterprise and media clients with custom solutions. The new video editor product is simple to integrate, customizable in functionality, and streamlined in pricing, making it easy and affordable for businesses of all kinds and sizes to take advantage.

According to Ginzberg, “It’s a re-creation of the vision we’ve always had, but this time at a much bigger scale. We now help platforms that couldn’t offer video creation before. The result is exponential growth for them and their customers alike.”

The new video editor allows for a simple, plug-and-play integration on an existing marketplace, franchisor network, app, or site. “Right out of the gate, we expect this to be a huge hit in industries like real estate, HR, food, and wellness, “said Anat Yaniv, Head of Marketing, “platforms that already serve communities with large end-audiences but no turnkey way to add video without starting over or breaking things.”

The key is that Wochit allows for seamless integration with minimal developer lift. The video editor is available to try for free, and it can even be deployed without any commitment or cost for the first 3,000 seconds of professionally produced video. “It’s everything we’ve learned from years of partnering with top enterprise brands–and years of listening to creator needs–boiled down into a simple embed code every app or website can enjoy. It’s magic,” says Daphna Tsachor, Wochit’s Chief Product Officer.

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There are effortless, gorgeous templates for every kind of business and use case, and the selection can be narrowed by need. For example, a real estate franchisor would be able to offer branded templates like “meet the agency, agent or trainer,” and “welcome to the team.” A craft marketplace would likely choose to offer “how to,” and “sales and promotion,” just to name a few.

“It’s great to see how Wochit’s video editor is being embraced by companies such as Houzz, Taboola, Kaltura and Shutterstock, who came to realize that there is value in allowing their users to create video directly from their platforms,” says Tsachor. “Now it’s time to offer that same value to companies and business owners that couldn’t benefit until now!”

Anat YanivHouzzKalturamarketingmartech360newsTaboolaTsachorvideo editorWochit