Xsolla to Showcase New Pay Station, Mobile and New Solutions at Devcom and Gamescom 2022

Xsolla, a global video game commerce company, is attending and presenting at Devcom and Gamescom 2022, the world’s largest computer and video games event, from August 22nd to August 28th in Cologne, Germany, EU.

Xsolla is hosting four informative speaking sessions at Devcom on August 22nd and 23rd, including a speaking session from President Chris Hewish. Additionally, Xsolla is exhibiting at Gamescom Hall 2.2, Booth #A-040-B-049, and Devcom booth #B1, where attendees can meet with Xsolla experts and preview the latest products and solutions designed to accelerate video game commerce in 2022.

“Having a platform to share Xsolla’s vision with those who are just as passionate about the gaming industry as we are is beyond exciting,” said Chris Hewish, President of Xsolla. “We look forward to speaking with and meeting people from across the globe who share our philosophy to help make gaming available for everyone. Whether you are a big AAA or an indie game just starting on your journey, we are here to help make your game and business a success.”

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Xsolla will showcase and demonstrate its latest solution features and announcements at Devcom and Gamescom next week in Cologne.

Xsolla Pay Station

Xsolla’s Pay Station introduces significant updates to core functionality and is the only cross-platform branded payment experience for the video game industry. Features include an optimized user flow for an improved purchasing experience, a customizable user interface, streamlined mobile payments, and full support of mobile wallets worldwide.

“We are thrilled to be an early adopter of the new Payments Solution from Xsolla,” said Mikhail Zakharenkov, Lead Producer at Nexters. “By implementing the new Pay Station into Hero Wars, we were able to customize the payment experience for our players and have seen more transactions and higher conversion rates since adding it to our web version for our players worldwide.”

Xsolla Web Shop for Mobile Games

Xsolla’s popular mobile solution now provides more opportunities for mobile game developers to power up their marketing efforts and engage users directly by offering expanded bundles, personalized online store experiences, and unique promotions personalized to players worldwide.

Chris Hewishcomputermarketingmobile solutionPayments Solutionvideo game commerceXsolla