NIMBUS, Inc. Shares Its Next Iteration of the KFC x Jack Harlow Partnership, Adding Druski and Nostalgia To The Mix

NIMBUS, Inc. Shares Its Next Iteration of the KFC x Jack Harlow Partnership, Adding Druski and Nostalgia To The Mix

NIMBUS, a nationally recognized, strategic multicultural marketing agency headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky shares its latest creative for KFC, unveiling the beloved $5 Famous Bowl.

Jack Harlow and Druski both star in the commercial highlighting KFC’s $5 Famous Bowl, and after just one bite, the pair are transported to a much simpler time, triggered by the warmth and smell of the ingredients, as well as the ultra-cozy setting. The vision of the creative framework was brought to life by the NIMBUS team in conjunction with Jack Harlow, who leaned into nostalgia for the flashback series citing some of his childhood experiences indulging in KFC.

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“Through our partnership with KFC, we are continuing to bring work to the table that connects with a younger, more diverse audience –- this is the kind of creative that further pulls KFC closer to people, spaces, and places within culture,” said Stacey Wade, CEO/ECD, NIMBUS, Inc. “The creative explores the nostalgia of eating KFC for the first time, reminding us of those moments and flavors that are Finger-Lickin’ Good.”

The success of the Jack Harlow Meal and KFC’s new Buffalo Ranch campaigns is a testament to the strategic layer of the partnership with Jack, which has paved the way for the brand to branch out in order to capture the attention of untapped consumers who will become key customers in years to come.

SOURCE: PR Newswire

Jack HarlowKentuckyLouisvillemartech360multicultural marketing agencynewsNIMBUS