Vimeo Does The Unexpected: Adds Structured Data To Improve Google Search Visibility Of Its Public Videos

Vimeo Does The Unexpected: Adds Structured Data To Improve Google Search Visibility Of Its Public Videos

Vimeo, the second most popular video hosting platform after YouTube, has integrated structured data to all of its publicly accessible videos. As per Vimeo, the SEO changes they have made to all their public videos will provide a higher possibility for the user to appear in relevant searches.

Loosely translated, this means that your videos will be far more easily discoverable in Google search. Vimeo’s latest update has now made space for more descriptive video results in Google Search which will potentially increase the traffic on your website or your social media pages, or wherever your videos are located.

Now the question is how does the update work? Vimeo says that all you have to do to benefit from improved search presentation is make sure your videos are public. Vimeo’s  technology is well-equipped to handle the rest. You need not worry about the technical stuff like ensuring your video is indexable, the metadata is optimized, etc. This applies to all public videos of Vimeo, regardless of where they live. This update can dramatically boost the engagement on the most important pages of your website or social media handles.

Vimeo’s SEO upgrades are currently active but only for videos that are ‘public’. Vimeo assured its users that they need not do anything to ensure that their videos are getting the deserving visibility.  However, here are some suggestions that can increase the chances of your videos getting noticed by more people; Add chapters to your videos, Choose your titles wisely, Research the best keywords.

Google Search VisibilityMartech 360structured dataVimeoVimeo Public Videos