IZEA Releases The 2023 State of Influencer Equality

IZEA Releases The 2023 State of Influencer Equality

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, ​​released its third annual The State of Influencer Equality report. The report found that the average payment per post for non-white influencers continues to trend upward. Hispanic influencers’ pay climbed by 29%, Asian influencers’ pay rose by 23% year over year, and Black influencers’ pay increased by 19%. The rate of deals being awarded to minorities has surpassed their representation in the population, reaching a new peak of 46% share of sponsorship transactions.

First introduced in 2020, the report analyzes influencer earnings observed in IZEA’s online marketplace from 2015 to 2022. The data comprises negotiated rates between marketers and creators spanning the spectrum of micro-influencers to celebrities across all social platforms, including self-reported sex and racial identifiers.

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IZEA is dedicated to championing creators of all backgrounds and demographics, driving the influencer marketing sector toward fairness and inclusivity,” said Ted Murphy, IZEA Founder and CEO. “We’re delighted to see a steady growth in pay for non-white influencers within the IZEA ecosystem, indicating that our efforts are paying off for creators. The pay gap between male and female influencers has continued to reduce to its lowest point of 17% since we began tracking this data.”

Key Findings Include: 

  • Over the past eight years, average earnings have dramatically risen for influencers of all races and sexes.
  • Over the past five years, persons of color have commanded a premium over their white counterparts, with Asian Americans making an average of 50% more per post than white creators in 2022.
  • Female influencers continue to dominate influencer marketing with 77% of all transaction volume in 2022, but their share of deal flow is the lowest since our reporting began in 2015.
  • Despite influencers 65 and older commanding the highest premium of all age groups in 2021, adults 55-64 have seen their earnings surge 144%, making them the highest-earning influencer age group in 2022.
  • Influencers ages 55-64 make $1 more on average than influencers ages 18-24.
  • Influencers with an annual household income of $150,000 or more charge an average of 3.1 times more for a sponsored post than creators earning $50,000 or less per year.
  • The percentage of influencer marketing deal flow going to minority influencers (46%) has surpassed their representation in the U.S. population (41%).
  • For the second year in a row, the percentage of influencer marketing deal flow going to white (non-Hispanic) influencers (54%) has slipped below their share of the U.S. population (59%).

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire

Black influencersinfluencer marketing technologyIZEAmarketing technologymartech360newssocial media marketingTed Murphy