Lumino launches one-of-a-kind virtual academy to train new agency hires to manage key accounts

Lumino launches one-of-a-kind virtual academy to train new agency hires to manage key accounts

Lumino, a leading marketing & communications agency, has launched a new training course to help entry-level account service hires better manage key accounts.

This kind of training is timely, as a few key accounts often account for one-third of an organization’s revenue, according to Gartner. Nurturing and growing these relationships is thus critical, especially for agencies that are ready to expand. But new account management hires often require extensive on-the-job training before they’re ready to succeed without supervision.

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“The training process for new hires is usually just throwing them into the middle of the project and then praying they can figure things out,” says Lumino CEO and CSA Founder Jenny Karn. “We wanted to put together a comprehensive course that would offer clear instruction on not only managing clients and projects, but also being proactive about renewals, upsells, and new business opportunities.”

Client Service Academy by Lumino is a fully remote six-week course hosted by Lumino’s experienced leadership team. The course curriculum is structured to successfully train account services team members with the skills necessary to manage clients and grow agency business. After CSA training, account managers will be able to:

  • Deliver exceptional client service while navigating rolling deadlines, looming scope creep, and other tricky situations.
  • Facilitate agency growth by nurturing client relationships, managing renewals without hand-holding, and identifying upsell opportunities.
  • Free up leadership’s time to focus on big-picture operational goals.

Training sessions will deliver value whether someone is brand new to a client service role or simply looking to boost their skills, and Lumino instructors will provide an ongoing resource of support and industry connections.

Client Service AcademyGartnerJenny KarnLuminoMarketing Communicationsmartech360newssocial media marketing