Businessman Ismail Sirdah Shares His Tips For Creating Quality Content For Social Media

Businessman Ismail Sirdah Shares His Tips For Creating Quality Content For Social Media

One of the fastest ways to build a following across many social media platforms is to develop strong images which can attract new followers to an account and maintain a loyal following of people hoping to see the next impressive image posted.

One of the first things to understand about creating images for social media content is that large amounts of expensive equipment are not necessarily required; the majority of social media accounts are filled with content created using Smartphones and natural light combining to develop impressive images.

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The majority of inexperienced photographers tend to struggle with framing and composition issues when creating images for social media posts says Ismail Sirdah. Most Smartphones contain a grid feature which divides the screen into nine equal squares to aid the photographer in finding the perfect balance in their image.

According to Ismail Sirdah, once you have found the perfect balance for an image it is important to make sure every aspect of the image is created correctly with the perfect background and lighting allowing an image to be viewed and enjoyed correctly. Social media professionals creating content for retailers and business clients often look to include a high-quality setting for an image including the front of a retail outlet or business location. When creating a social media image it is important to make sure the setting and background of an image are chosen well to give a professional view of the individual made the subject of the image.

Filters have become an important aspect of social media photography but may reduce the impact of an image and reduce the professional appearance most photographers are searching for. Sirdah mentions that simple filters such as a black and white effect can produce a high-quality image with a striking effect when used sparingly.

As with many aspects of social media, the best option is always to consider what is being said or represented by a post before creating an image.

SOURCE: PR Newswire

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