Digitalage Has Sights Set on Enabling Media Monetization in Decentralized Social Media

Digitalage Has Sights Set on Enabling Media Monetization in Decentralized Social Media

Hop-on, Inc.: While other companies in the social media space are focused on piecemealing long-requested features together in an attempt to stop bleeding users to other platforms and media services, Digitalage is working with media industry titans to create and democratize technologies that will underpin the commercial viability of multiple ecosystems creating an extended reality world.  From groundbreaking content protection, smart contracts, a digital rights marketplace, to fight anti-money laundering, cross-cultural content classification, and royalty servicing, Digitalage is laying the infrastructure that is critical to monetization and protecting rights holders of all sizes.

Showcasing this infrastructure, Digitalage’s own decentralized media distribution and social platform is poised to take a large chunk of the already thinly spread attention span of the social media audience. Learning from social psychologists, adhering to the latest regulations of lawmakers, and implementing the recommendations of top civil and human rights groups, the Digitalage platform is shaping up to be a real contender in the global marketplace paving the way for a long-awaited vision for extended reality interfaces and experiences.

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Curt Doty, CCO of Digitalage, stated, “Over the past year Digitalage has engineered its own enterprise platform using bleeding-edge technologies, focused on highly scalable and resilient multi-cloud, decentralized, services.  Having secured lucrative deals with leading journalism and media providers, studios and labels, the platform’s suite of capabilities is already proving to be a key differentiator.  Now in its home stretch before a public beta launch, Digitalage is finally entertaining offers from multiple investment groups that firmly believe in the vision and ability of Digitalage to deliver decentralized extended reality services to industry and consumer.”

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content classificationcontent protectiondecentralized media distributionDigitalageHop-onsocial mediasocial media audience