Hop-on Introduces WEB3 DRM Technology OOVE with Smart Contracts by Digitalage

Hop-on Introduces WEB3 DRM Technology OOVE with Smart Contracts by Digitalage

Hop-on, Inc. announced their DRM technology OOVE by Digitalage. For publishers, labels, and studios, Digitalage has built the tools and workflows with cutting-edge content protection and DRM solutions under the banner OOVE™. Adding to its growing suite of products, OOVE™ creates indelible watermarking, supported by blockchain smart contracts, for all types of media, including video, photos, music and more, and its features include monetization of back catalog discovery. Digitalage ensures maximum value and alignment to companies’ current and emerging strategic goals through OOVE™.

Transaction and Service Fees for each transaction through our managed operations, including…

Royalty collection and distribution
Rights usage updates
Licensing charges
DRM Revenue
Helping the Music and Entertainment Industry

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Digitalage will focus OOVE™ capabilities on the Music and Entertainment industry and enabling musicians and studios to fight against piracy and create new revenue streams.
Peter Michaels, CEO, says, “We want to help studios, networks and streamers to empower themselves through OOVE’s DRM strategies and technologies. We are blending the line between the audience and the creator, creating micro-economies and richer ecosystems beyond just a one-dimensional monetization model.”

He adds, “OOVE™ as a name, has its origins metaphorically from the root words ALLUVIAL and OVUM. The concept of the alluvial fan in geology is an accumulation of sediments that fans outwards from a concentrated source of sediments, such as a narrow canyon emerging from a steep slope or long cliff that forms as a result of erosion and separates two relatively level areas having different elevations. OVUM, or the egg, obviously is the building block of life. OOVE™ is the DNA of DRM.”

As part of Digitalage’s UX ethos #innovateforgood, this program requires legal, technical & standards innovation. Musicians will publish their metadata into a machine-readable, distributed database, consumable by all. From here, anyone can utilize the smart contract attached to the metadata to enter into an automated agreement to buy and use the rights attached to it. A media custodian, as part of the agreement, will disburse the media for its particular usage.

Digitalage is producing metadata according to the COALA IP standard and publishing it towards the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Using smart contracts for agreements & payments, Digitalage is testing distributed databases such as OrbitDB. The OOVE™ solution is an end-2-end, fully legal, smart licensing agreement with OpenLaw and will build next-generation streaming technology that allows transactions at a very, very granular level: allowing fans to watch and pay directly to studios and distributors when they stream content. This will all happen with flexible encryption to ensure that rights holders receive what they are due.

Michaels adds, “This will take time. Technology will mature. But the vision is clear. We will have a global record of rights with fully automated, globally compliant smart licensing without intermediaries. Studios will receive substantially more revenue without any of the complex, unnecessary, administrative burden in between. Fans will be able to participate in these new content economies.”

As Digitalage prepares to launch its own Web3 social media platform, OOVE™ will be available as a service and technology to help ALL content owners and distributors, whether you are on the platform or not, shortly after launch.

contentDigitalageDRM Technologymartech360newsOOVEPeter MichaelsSmart Contractssocial mediaWeb3