thunder::tech Announces the Acquisition of Silent Partners Media Group

thunder::tech Announces the Acquisition of Silent Partners Media Group

thunder::tech, an integrated marketing agency headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio for over 20 years, has officially acquired Silent Partners Media Group, a New York City-founded digital design, development and production agency. The acquisition was completed in December, with the formal operations combining forces earlier this month.

“The acquisition of Silent Partners enables thunder::tech to accelerate our company’s growth goals,” said Jason Therrien, CEO and founder. He continued, “it allows us to continue to drive growth in our client roster while also deepening our talent, adding individuals with exceptional creative design, user experience and technical, digital skills to our accomplished team.”

Silent Partners’ business fits into thunder::tech’s overall growth strategy, adding a solid portfolio of middle-market and enterprise clients, such as Scott’s Miracle-Gro, to its existing client base. This move further establishes thunder::tech as a standout marketing agency rooted in the Great Lakes region and serving clients globally that want integrated solutions to help them transform for a connected world.

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Zack Lieberman, the Founding Partner and Executive Creative Director of Silent Partners built the organization from the ground up as a partnership his clients could trust. Their name is a nod to their style: focused on treating all projects as if they were their own. “We’ve poured a lot of ourselves into everything we’ve done and taken pride from that,” said Lieberman. “That’s why I’m so excited by this partnership: I feel a kindred spirit with the thunder::tech team and leadership because they’re as obsessed as we are with doing things “the right way” for our clients. We get to grow, but our ethos can stay sacred. thunder::tech is an excellent group of high-quality, high-character folks who genuinely care about their clients, and the groundwork we’ve laid will thrive with their partnership.”

SOURCE: PR Newswire

Clevelandmarketing agencymartech360Media GroupnewsOhioPartnersthunder::tech