Calix Support Cloud Enables Service Providers To Deliver World-Class Subscriber Experiences in New Markets by Extending Support to Calix SmartTown

Calix Support Cloud Enables Service Providers To Deliver World-Class Subscriber Experiences in New Markets by Extending Support to Calix SmartTown

Calix, Inc. announced that the award-winning Calix Support Cloud (Support Cloud) is the only solution that delivers insights to enable customer support across the industry’s most extensive portfolio of managed services. Calix introduced its 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th managed services last month at Calix ConneXions 2022. The growing portfolio enables broadband service providers (BSPs) to win in increasingly competitive markets by delivering managed services. These include social media monitoring , connected home security, connected device protection , and scalable community-wide Wi-Fi for subscribers and smart neighborhoods. To support business growth by increasing support efficiency, BSP support teams leverage Support Cloud, which provides increased visibility into the complete subscriber experience. Continual updates to Support Cloud make it easier than ever for BSP customer support teams to provide proactive customer support that contributes to an exceptional subscriber experience—all while reducing operating costs. This also extends to the Calix managed service, SmartTown.

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“We understand that exceptional subscriber experiences are the most important differentiator”

Last year, New York-based Ontario & Trumansburg Telephone Companies (OTTC) added managed services to their existing Wi-Fi offerings to stand out in crowded Rochester and Buffalo markets. Specifically, they launched ProtectIQ® home network protection and ExperienceIQ® advanced network controls. They also engaged Calix Premier Customer Success to help them accelerate go-to-market times and get the most out of their technology investments. OTTC leveraged the full Calix Revenue EDGE™ platform—including GigaSpire® BLAST systems, Calix Cloud®, and the Calix CommandIQ® mobile app—to see several benefits. They increased customer support workflow efficiency even as they added new managed services. Meanwhile, Calix Marketing Cloud enabled OTTC to find the best households to target for new managed services and drive more subscribers to their personalized CommandIQ mobile app. This high level of self-service, paired with the tools and visibility into the subscriber experience in Support Cloud, enabled the OTTC customer support team to decrease operating costs. They reduced truck rolls by 19 percent and mean time to repair (MTTR) by 34 percent.

As a new function in CommandIQ, subscribers can now click through to their BSPs’ billing portal so they can easily and quickly log in to view billing details. Customer service representatives (CSRs) can configure their BSPs’ billing portal URL for display in CommandIQ through Support Cloud, resulting in convenience for the subscriber and lower inbound call volume. Support Cloud is also launching multiple enhancements to network operations features to make support workflows and reporting easier to manage, edit and maintain over time.

Even as BSP offerings grow in complexity, additional enhancements to Support Cloud help reduce support operating costs by:

  • Providing more support visibility into the complete managed services subscriber experience. Calix continually enhances Support Cloud to further enable CSRs and field technicians to support a growing list of managed services. CSRs can now support managed Wi-Fi experiences in community spaces with SmartTown. In the same system, they have increased visibility into residential subscriber experiences, like connected device protection from Servify Care. This results in faster troubleshooting.
  • Enabling proactive monitoring and support for new markets with SmartTown. Calix launched SmartTown last month. Now Support Cloud is poised to help BSPs support Wi-Fi experiences at scale. Recent enhancements include proactive monitoring and support of the community subscriber experience, more insights, and troubleshooting tools.
  • Leveraging the Revenue EDGE platform, including EDGE Systems, to deliver exceptional subscriber experiences. Calix has a growing portfolio of GigaSpire and GigaPro™ Wi-Fi systems that includes the upcoming u4g and just-launched p6he. These Revenue EDGE Wi-Fi systems integrate with Support Cloud to give CSRs end-to-end visibility into the subscriber experience. This means support teams can seamlessly provide proactive support. At the same time, subscribers can also self-service using the CommandIQ mobile app.
  • Collaborating with Customer Success Services to support enablement and business growth for managed services.Calix has a dedicated customer support organization, Calix Customer Success Services (Customer Success). This award-winning team provides step-by-step guidance to help support BSPs as they grow their businesses. That support extends to all managed services Calix offers. New content is available to support SmartTown community implementation with hands-on technical workshops and new service introduction guidance.
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