Cisco Equips Service Provider Partners with New Managed Services Offering for Webex

Cisco Equips Service Provider Partners with New Managed Services Offering for Webex

Cisco has launched a new Webex Wholesale Route-to-Market (RTM) for Service Provider partners to address the evolving needs of SMBs. The new sales model includes a single commercial agreement with each partner and a self-service platform for Service Providers to deliver managed services for Webex, as well as the agility, scalability and flexibility to create their own co-branded offers.

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Cisco Wholesale for Webex
The Wholesale partner program features consumption-based billing with fixed, predictable per-user/per-month package pricing and equips Service Providers with several invoicing options. The partner onboarding experience includes dedicated Cisco experts, paired with comprehensive online training and a robust set of migration and marketing toolkits to drive market demand and serve SMB customers.

“When Service Providers more fully own the customer journey, it increases control of the solution design, provisioning, billing, and support. This translates into improved customer experiences and greater market velocity. This new wholesale model will do just that for Cisco and its partners,” said Elka Popova, VP of Connected Work Research, ICT, Frost & Sullivan. “This approach also enables providers to offer SMBs a more complete solution by integrating telco services, such as connectivity, security and mobility, with Cisco‘s Webex cloud collaboration services suite and Cisco devices.”

This new wholesale solution makes it easy for Service Providers to leverage their brand with a co-branded offer, build on their market position, and innovate with their own services. APIs and Partner Portal features deliver a simple management experience. And by using a monthly consumption model, they can deliver low friction transactions ideally suited for SMBs. Additionally, Cisco’s Success Planning process includes a fully managed onboarding process for Service Provider partners, from pre-work through to production. A parallel go-to-market process accelerates customer acquisition and migration activities with marketing content, sales enablement, adoption assets, support training and launch campaigns.

Nexgen Australia, an Australia-based wholly owned subsidiary of Spirit Technology Solutions ASX ST1, is among the first Service Provider partners to sign-up for the Wholesale for Webex. Cisco is also in active trials of Wholesale for Webex with several Tier 1 global service providers.

Ciscocloud platformco-branded offersElka Popovamartech360newsNexgen AustraliaWebexWebex Wholesale