Infor Helps Secure Future Business at Abro Brewery

Infor Helps Secure Future Business at Abro Brewery

Åbro Bryggeri is investing for ambitious growth with Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage

Infor, the industry cloud company, announces that Åbro BryggeriSweden’s oldest family-owned brewery, has chosen Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage to help achieve its ambitious growth goals after a procurement process in which three suppliers participated. This is part of Åbro Bryggeri’s transformation to a modern business system.

“We have developed our ERP system in-house for many years, and saw that the competence to maintain the solution risked disappearing and that operating costs would increase,” says Björn Ainemo, CFO at Åbro Brewery. “So we started looking for a new suitable standard solution on the market that we could grow with, and Infor stood out because the solution was configured for our industry and suited many of the tasks we wanted to solve. With Infor, we also get more B2B functions we do not have today in a complete solution instead of independent digital islands.”

Infor was one of three suppliers that Åbro Bryggeri evaluated. But the pandemic meant the evaluation took a year of remote meetings, which eventually landed on Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage. The implementation is now underway with the help of the consulting company M3CS.

“Throughout the process, we have had good contact with both Infor’s and M3CS’ sales organization and felt trust in both parties,” says Håkan Larsson, supply chain manager at Åbro Bryggeri. “Not least, we have emphasized that those we work with are in our immediate area as there are many workshops underway as the implementation takes place.”

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Åbro Bryggeri was founded in 1856, and since 1898 has been owned by the current family. Beer brewing was the start, but the range has expanded widely over the years. Today, Åbro Bryggeri comprises a group with several brands and activity in many markets outside Sweden, as well.

“We now have a solution adapted for the future, such as our e-commerce where customers will be able to place orders directly in the system, which is not possible in our current solution,” says Anne Lageson, IT manager at Åbro Bryggeri. “As Infor’s solution runs in the cloud, it simplifies things for the IT side where we do not need to have any hardware in place. Updates are ongoing and the software is being developed, so even for our industry, we see the cloud as the future to simplify everyday life.”

“Digitization is crucial when companies compete in competitive markets, such as the food industry,” says Malte Ekedahl, Infor’s leader for the Nordics. “The competition is getting tougher every day, and our industry-specific cloud solution for the food industry helps customers make smart decisions that strengthen their competitiveness.”

Åbro BryggeriB2BCloudInfor CloudSuitemartech360modern business systemnewssales organization