The Vendry introduces a cutting-edge search engine for corporate event planners

The Vendry introduces a cutting-edge search engine for corporate event planners

The Vendry, a platform where corporate event planners discover venues and vendors, announced the launch of their innovative new search engine.

This sweeping improvement to the venue and vendor search experience means that planners can, for the first time, run one search to return the richest, most informative set of results from across the web. These results are driven by The Vendry’s search algorithm, which scans over 1,000,000 data points and signals from the platform’s database and community of professional event planners to display the most relevant venues and vendors.

“We wanted to reimagine a search experience that could bring every high-quality source of information together into a single, comprehensive set of results that’s easy for planners to digest,” said Daphne Hoppenot, CEO of The Vendry. “Up until now, searching for venues and vendors has been a mess. For example, when a planner needs a venue, they’ll search on Google, sift through websites hunting for capacity charts, dig through press articles to see if the location is trendy and on-brand, and message teammates and industry peers in hope of getting a recommendation.”

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Now, when a planner searches on The Vendry, they can easily deep dive into the relevant options from a variety of perspectives:

  • Business Directory to browse information on over 130,000 spaces and services in 87 cities around the world
  • Community Discussions to read previous conversations that mention pertinent venues or vendors, with the ability to jump in and ask follow up questions
  • Team Knowledgebase to access private lists, notes, and files shared by others in their organization
  • News to read recent, applicable press from over 500 publishers, powered by The Vendry‘s IndustryIQ technology
  • Lists to browse curated collections of businesses created by top publications and industry members
  • Galleries to see over 92,000 photos of real events those businesses helped bring to life

SOURCE: PRNewswire

databaseMartech 360newspeople-based marketingsearch algorithmThe Vendryvendor search experience