Sinuate Media to Open Marketing Agency Office in the Metaverse with Cannaverse Technologies

Sinuate Media to Open Marketing Agency Office in the Metaverse with Cannaverse Technologies

Taking remote work to another level, Sinuate Media has officially partnered with Cannaverse Technologies (Cannaverstech™) to become its digital marketing advisor in Cannaland, the world’s first cannabis focused Metaverse that connects every facet of the cannabis and hemp communities.

Additionally, Sinuate Media has acquired real estate in Cannaland™ and will be opening a virtual office where visitors can meet for cannabis-related marketing consultations and trainings that can be applied to the virtual or physical worlds. In doing so, they will be offering metaverse and cannabis-related marketing courses typically offered in the real world from their new office in Cannaland as well as consulting with brands to leverage engagement opportunities within the metaverse.

Sinuate Media joins several businesses and brands that are entering this new unchartered digital territory where the convergence of the physical and virtual worlds come together to create a “mixed reality,” and the B2B community and consumers can immerse themselves in a Web3 virtual meta-marketplace, where all aspects of the cannabis industry including cultivation, extraction, manufacturing, distribution, retail sales, and consumption of cannabis and hemp products can be enjoyed by residents of the community.

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The Cannaland platform will be powered on the blockchain and will allow instant purchases of real estate (land parcels), NFTs as well as other digital assets using Cannaland Tokens (“CNLT”), a cryptocurrency providing transactional utility within Cannaland.  The project is scheduled to go live this year.

“We are excited to welcome Sinuate to join us in Cannaland and partner with them to manage our digital marketing, a cornerstone component to the future success of Cannaland” commented Mark Bonner, CEO of Cannaverse Technologies.

Leah Messina, Chief Executive Officer of Sinuate Media added, “We have been guiding our clients for more than 16 years through cutting-edge marketing opportunities and there has been tremendous interest about how to leverage the metaverse. At the same time, we have been supporting brands with navigating the unique regulatory landscape related to cannabis advertising. We envision our presence in Cannaland™ will support brands seeking new and innovative opportunities for consumer engagement that go well-beyond the increasingly saturated channels in the physical world.”

For the business community, Cannaland will feature opportunities to set up locations, advertise, and converse virtually with the feel of real-world experiences. A virtual Mainstreet in Cannaland will also feature a place where users can experience a variety of retail concepts including consumption lounges.

B2BCannaverse Technologiesconsumer engagementcutting-edge marketingdigital marketingengagement opportunitiesnewsSinuate Media