Stamats Makes New Audience Management Acquisition

Stamats Makes New Audience Management Acquisition

Stamats Communications, Inc. announces the acquisition of the Audience Management services of TriMax Direct, effective April 1, 2022. The clients moving over from TriMax Direct will move into Audativ, the audience management division of Stamats.

“We are excited for the opportunity to continue the tremendous services TriMax has offered its client base in audience management with our acquisition of their portfolio and team,” said Stamats President & CEO Peter Stamats. “With this purchase we are adding dedicated, experienced, and talented employees to our Audativ team which is evidence of our continued and increased investment in serving the publishing community.”

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Audativ provides audience strategy and circulation services to over 40 B2B brands, led by Kim Leonard who has over 35 years’ experience in audience development. Multiple team members have more than 20 years’ experience in audience and marketing.

“Audativ continues to take a stronger position in the B2B audience management markets,” added Mr. Stamats, mentioning their highly capable consulting services and unique united dataset for audience analytics.

Stamats has been active in publishing since its inception in 1923 and they currently own and operate a leading B2B publishing brand, Meetings Today.

Founded in 2001, TriMax Direct is an outsourced data, research, and marketing agency based in St. Paul, Minnesota.

AcquisitionAudience Management servicesB2B brandsmartech360newsStamats CommunicationsTriMax Direct