Streaming Video Technology Alliance Launches Comprehensive Set of Specifications for Configuration Interface

Streaming Video Technology Alliance Launches Comprehensive Set of Specifications for Configuration Interface

The Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA), a global technical association developing solutions to address critical technical challenges in delivering a high-quality video experience at scale, announces the availability of a new suite of Configuration Interface documents. The SVTA is also excited to launch a new working group focused on Streaming Video Operations.

Open Caching Configuration Interface Specifications

The SVTA Open Caching Configuration Interface is a multi-part set of documents defining the metadata model and APIs for Content Providers, CDNs, Open Caching System providers, and ISPs to publish and retrieve configuration metadata for content caching and delivery. The specification facilitates interoperability across the content delivery ecosystem by extending the IETF CDNI (Internet Engineering Task Force Content Delivery Network Interconnect) standard to provide configuration management capabilities required by CDN and Open Caching vendors and their customers.

“This SVTA Open Caching Configuration Interface suite of documents is the culmination of over three years of work, with major contributions from 10+ member companies,” says Glenn Goldstein, SVTA Technical Fellow and SME. “The specification, now moving through the IETF to become a standard, will ease the burden on content providers who use CDN and Open Caching System proprietary data models and APIs to configure caching and request/response transformation behaviors. Our goal was to do better than a lowest common denominator standard; and we have achieved that by designing several advanced capabilities.”

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“This is a significant achievement for the SVTA,” says Jason Thibeault, SVTA CEO. “While the Open Caching Working Group had published some prior versions of this work, this complete suite provides a comprehensive approach to a programmatic interface for configuring delivery networks, such as an Open Caching network or a CDN. This is truly a landmark in the march towards interoperability within the streaming video technology stack.”

New Streaming Video Operations Working Group

The new Streaming Video Operations Working Group, co-chaired by Mark Ison (ITV) and Nicolas Weil (AWS), and assisted by SVTA Technical Fellow, Glenn Goldstein, will focus on discussing operational challenges in real time. In addition, the group will produce “operational best practice memoranda”, documents detailing specific solutions to common real-world problems in operating a streaming platform, such as during a live event. Finally, the group will produce other documents and/or software code around interoperability testing frameworks and tooling.

“We are very excited about this group,” says Jason Thibeault. “With the launch of our SEGMENTS conference two years ago and its phenomenal growth at our 2024 event, we are seeing a definite demand for this kind of tactical, real-world work. We hope that from the memoranda, new specifications and approaches will be inspired throughout our other groups to build industry-wide solutions for common operational challenges.”

SOURCE: Businesswire

artificial intelligencecontent managementMartech 360newsStreaming Video OperationsStreaming Video Technology Alliance